Pottorff vs. Espinosa

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"mom? How the heck are you alive!?"

she just looked at me like I was stupid. well, I wasn't stupid. just surprised.

"krissy, I'm sorry I never reached out to you. I'm sorry I stayed hidden while you were having all these troubles. I'm sorry I wasn't there to approve of your first boyfriends or shop for dances. I've been a bad mom and I know it."

"no. you're not my mother. The woman in Texas that took me in when no one else would is my mother. not someone that wants in my life when things are finally going right. nope. not you."

"Kristina Starline Suarez, I am your mother. Please understand things were difficult. I couldn't keep you. I wanted to give you the life that was best for you. why can't you understand thar?"

maybe cause you put me up for adoption

"I'm sorry I put you in foster care-"

"look, my name is Krista Star Suarez. not Kristina Starline Suarez. you're lucky I even kept the last name! while you were out there doing whatever it is you were doing, I was jumping houses. training day in and day out for this moment. now that I'm on TV and magazines, isn't it just a little strange you show up? cause I find this sort of odd. now that I know one direction and am auditioning for the X factor, you show up. think about how this looks for me."


"it's krista!"

"krista" she said my name, but it sounded like poison dripping from her mouth "ok, Krista it is. I understand that it seems suspicious, but just maybe I came now because all your fame made it easiest to find you! You don't even know why I gave you up"

and I really don't want to know

"I'm done here. I could be doing a zillion different things, but I'm here with you. see ya later mother"

I spat out the last word.

I mean, what mom gives their kid up, let's them go threw awful events, and just barley shows up when they are becoming successful. not a good mom. that's for sure.

Of all the beautiful and caring moms a I could have had, I had this one. Why me? I've never done anything wrong in life. I've never stolen. Don't I deserve a better mom? Wait, I have one. She's just in Texas or busy most of the time... So what if I'm independent. That's just who I am.

Calm down Krista. Don't let her get to you like this. You are giving her power. How about I film a YouTube video? Yea. I'll do that.

@kristaaaaaa_star: hey all-stars!! Tweet me some questions! I'll try and answer as many as I can! :)

It literally took two seconds for my feed to be full of questions

When I got home, I went to my room but froze. Right there... On my purple fuzzy rug, Sam was kissing Kenzie.. (A/n the green room is in Texas) forget that kris. It's the past.

I continued towards my desk. I went threw my cabinets until I found my tripod and camera. I set everything up and began to screenshot some of the questions. I think I found 20 I liked. I started filming.

I put my hands in front of the camera lens, and made a swooshing sound

"What's up people of the world?! I'm Krista, and your irrelevant. Jaaaykaaay jaaaykaaay! But yea, I was basically having a hard day and though 'hm, making a video seems like a good idea' so, I'm making a video! Being the boring person I am, I'm just doing a Q and A, but hey, we get closer this way!"

I wrapped my arms around the camera in a virtual hug

"Isn't this nice? We're all so close. So, let's do this!!! First question. Are you dating anyone? Nope! Are you and Harry styles friends? Yes we are. He's mah bae! Will this be in your video? Haha! No.. Why are so perfect? Hun, I'm not perfect. But I like you so I'm gonna follow you. @hannah_banana consider yourself a friend! Ok, moving on. Oh, I like this one. Would you rather marry Sam pottorff, and not be a soccer player/singer, or be an extremely successful singer/soccer player, but marry your enemy atm? Ok, first off, if I married my enemy, I'd be lesbo... But I would rather be les and successful than marry Sam and not be successful in what I love. Sorry same. Next! @daydreamxxo you had my favorite questions ever!! It's..... Drum role please!.... Go kill yourself!! Ahaha!"

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