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It had been a week since my first audition and now I have been constantly training with vocal coaches and choreographers.

I hadn't talked to Sam at all this week which was bad considering we had just gotten together. I miss him so much and I can't stand being away from him. Just as I was thinking about him, I got a text.

From: my love💕
I miss you so much babe. I can't handle being away from you

To: my love💕
Sammy boo, I miss you too.if I don't make it through boot camp I'll see you...otherwise it could be a really long time.

From: my love💕
Damn. I can't decide which is better. Seeing you on tv fulfilling your dream, or seeing you in my arms.

To: my love💕
You're so cheesy it hurts. But there is a visiting day's meant for family but considering my mom is in Texas... Maybe you could come?

From: my love💕
I would love nothing more than to see my beautiful girlfriend. I'll see you tomorrow babe. I love you.

To: my love💕
I love you too. Bye sammy.

I then put my phone away and saw the camera crew interviewing some contestants. Apparently, Simon gives them a list and tells them who he wants to be interviewed. I guess it's some huge deal to be picked. My thoughts were interrupted by my vocal coach telling me it was time to rehears.

We walked to a tree near a little stream and she started me on my warm ups. Just then, the camera crew walked up to us and asked if they could interview me. My coach said yes and walked away. (A/n: I'm gonna label the interviewer as "i")

They asked me to say my name, age, where I live, and why I'm here.

"Well, my name is Krista Star Suarez and I'm currently sixteen. I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas but last year I moved to San Clemente, California. I'm here because when I was younger I participated in a traveling performing arts school. I had always loved to sing and I always felt myself while writing lyrics. I feel free when I let myself be taken by the music. And I want to make something of my passion for it.

I: isn't it true you have been scouted by numerous colleges for soccer?

"Yea. I have been scouted by several colleges while I am only a junior and I have played soccer my whole life and yes, that is how I became well known.

I: is there someone back home you truly miss?

"Yea, there is someone I really miss back home. His name is Sam Pottorff and he's my boyfriend. I met him the day I moved to San Clemente and we just clicked. He has been there for me through everything. He was there for all my breakups and breakdowns. He just asked me out the day of my audition and I'm not ashamed to say I am in love with Sam. I have a picture of him here." I took my phone out of my pocket and pulled up a picture. (Pic above. It's the first one) "This is him. We took a modeling job together for some makeup line." I just looked at the photo for a while and admired it. His dark brown eyes were glistening and his hair looked amazing in his beanie and he's just the most amazing person I have ever laid my eyes on. "He's um, he's nigh teen years old and is part of a YouTube collab channel called O2L which stands for Our Second Life. He makes his videos for Wednesdays."

I: how did you guys meet?

"Well, I was asked to play for his fathers soccer club in California and I hadn't known it was his dad at the time. It's actually a stupid story, but basically I was being introduced to everyone and I was standing In front of everybody and he caught my eye and we stared at each other for a bit. And then I went to lunch with one of my teammates and he was there and we became extremely close and yea.

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