The promise

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(Sam's pov)

I had made Krista a. Promise that I would prove to her that I was the one. And that's exactly what I'm going to do

I was currently talking to Jc and Lia about what I had just heard. I was smiling so much. I had to think of some way to prove to her that I'm worth it.

"Man, how am I supposed to show her I'm worth it?"

"Sam! just be her friend for now. honestly, she likes you now. Just show her you're worth it. I don't know what to tell you. I won my girl by just being myself" he looked at Lia

"Aww jc! You're so cute" Lia pinched his cheeks

"ew guys, get a room"

"Hey Sam, what are you gonna tell Krista when we go on tour? I don't think she would want to go cause of Trevor."

Jc was right. We were gonna be gone for a really long time. We were gonna be touring around the country for some time and I'll miss her like crazy. We are starting training next week. May as well forget about that and have a good time

--- four months later ---

I have gotten nowhere with Krista.

It's like she doesn't even care about me anymore.

She's always with Lauren, Arden, Jenn, and Andrea! She even moved in with them.

Me? I guess I've changed

Lots of tattoos, my hair is blonde, a piercing, earrings. But same old personality.

Our tour was so much fun. Then we went to vidcon and I invited Krista to hang out with me, but she chose Luke Korns and Jack Dail over me! Yea, they're great guys, but I thought she was mine. I don't even know what happened. Trevor hasn't talked to her, Jenn won't tell me anything, jc has been talking to her non stop but says nothing, and I don't know if she's made any new friends, and I don't know her teammates. I'm really considering giving up on her. But I can't, because I promised and I must show her I'm the one.

I started walking home when I saw Krista skateboarding with someone I didn't know. He had curly blonde hair and grayish eyes (in photo). Then I saw something's hat killed me. They were holding hands. Then she saw me and started to skate over to me.

"Hey sam, this is jake. He's in my writing class. He's an amazing poet"

They were still holding hands

" are you guys dating?"

I was very afraid of their answer

Jake answered, "um, not exactly. Krista here won't say yes. I've asked her about three times now, but she keeps saying she's not ready."

"That's not true jake. You've asked once, and I said if think about it."

"But yo haven't answered me"

"Cause I'm still thinking. Oh Sam, have you met any new girls?"

How to reply, "no. I made a promise to a girl a while ago. And I keep my promises"

Jake said: " wow. She sounds great."

I looked right at Krista, "yea, she is great"

I could have sworn she blushed

"Jake and I have to finish a project, but I changed my number so give me your phone and I'll put in"

I handed her my phone and she typed away. She's handed me my phone back and I noticed her number was the same.

"Wait Krista, you didn't-"

She turned around and put a finger over her lip

I looked down at my phone and had no idea what she had done.

I decided to go to connor's house.

I knocked on the door and he let me in.

"Hey Sam what's up?"

"Man, I really need some advice right now. I just saw Krista and I gave her my phone so she could put her new number in, but when I checked there was nothing different. Oh, and she was holding hands with some guy named jake."

He looked at me and said "give me your phone"

I handed him my phone and almost immediately he said "have you seen this yet?"

He gave me my phone back and I noticed it was on my notes. I began to read.

'Sam, you were gone for a really long time. Things have changed. I do like jake that way, but I still care for you. Just not in that way... I'm really sorry. You were gone and you didn't call me. You were surrounded by beautiful girls. They all love you. But you need to listen to me, break this promise. I don't deserve you. Please don't ask me what changed. It's actually very personal and jake was at my side the whole time. I needed you. I still do, but as a friend. Please don't be mad at me. I'm going to say yes to jake. But I couldn't do that without you knowing. I love you sammers.

- Krista'

No. This can't be happening

"I'm so sorry Sam"

I just looked at Connor and said "how could she do this to me?"

"I don't know Sam. But you were gone for four months. And you're leaving again for Magcon soon. She needs someone always there for her. Did you know her mom came back?"

"Back from their old house?"

"No, her real mom"

I turned white "W-why didn't she tell me?"

"I don't know." He looked at me with a really sorry face

-- Kristas pov --

"So who was that boy?"

"A friend, jake, don't worry about it."

"How do you know him?" Why was jake so curious?

"I play soccer for his dads club. We just instantly became friends"

"There is more behind that story. You guys had chemistry!"

"Why are you getting so mad? He was never my boyfriend!"

"But he almost was!"

"Look jake. I've had several boyfriends. You have to be ok with that."

"I want to hear about them"

"Now?" Oh my gosh. I cannot believe he is this much drama

"Yes, now"

"fine! My first one was names Carter and my second was Trevor. That's all I'm saying."

"What do you mean that's all your saying?!"

"I mean it's personal!" I started to cry a bit

"Krista... I'm so sorry. I didn't realize they hurt you that bad"

"It's fine. I'll tell you about my third boyfriend."

"Another guy? What's his name and what did he do?!"

"His name is jake and he has really pretty grey eyes, and a great jaw line, and a deep voice, and really kissable lips..."

"Wait... So are you finally saying yes?"

"Yea. It's official"

Then I kissed him. And it felt amazing

Hey guys I'm really sorry I haven't been updating!!! I've been working on hspt stuff and I've had too much pressure on my back. I'll try and update more now though.

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