Are we at ease now?

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I walked back in school, time for lunch where all are gathered. She tried to free herself what it didn't worked so well, she gave up and let me pull her along. When we came in the canteen everyone was there, I stood on the nearest table and started.
"Attention please! Hello everyone I'm Namjoon" after that the girls started shouting my name and giggling like crazy. Okkkaay...

"Do you see this girl here Ha Mi? Well I wanted to apologize to her in front of everyone" they all looked at me confused, some bored and wanted to dig in the food, other one annoyed and my group was surprised. I turned around and got down, taking Ha Mi's hands in mine and squeezing them a little.
"Dear Ha Mi, I'm really really truly sorry what I did to you, and I didn't mean it will you forgive me?"
She was surprised by my action I can see that, she looked around, is she embarrassed? And finally she nodded slightly. I smiled squeezing her hands a little more and letting go, felt nice to hold them. 

"Thank you" I turned around and called my boys with the hand. They soon came and neared us slowly.
"Will you guys be gentlemen and apologize to the lady?" they had an 'what the heck Namjoon' face on but still apologized to Ha Mi.
"Now Ha Mi, let's be friends?" I reached my hand to her, she hesitated for a moment but took it anyway, her small hand was in mine again, soft. How much I enjoyed her touch still it was short, and she pulled her hand away from mine.
I nodded with my head and walked off with the boys, to our standard table where we eat everyday. Hm I ask myself why she actually got my attention? I mean here are many girls and they are pretty I can say but why her? Or is it just me that let a girl catch my attention, maybe my barrier broke after these years, but still why her? I have to find it out.

|||Time skip|||

It passed one month since we made up. We didn't hang out thou but we didn't fight either, I got to see her smile more and I got to meet her funny side, while she played with Jiwon. I was surprised too, because Jiwon doesn't like people, he's hard to get, how did she came along easy like that? Is that her special ability? I looked at her mesmerizing every inch of her face, she was concentrating on math, she's so cute when she's stressed. I glanced over her notebook, she had struggles with the math work. I chuckled and leaned in. 

"Hey, Ha Mi...the answer is 32" she frowned and turned her head to mine, a bit to close, I backed away a bit.
HaMi: "What? No it's 18" I raised my brow and looked at her.
"Trust me it's 32" she raised her brow too and looked at me, she looks so damn cute right now I can't...

HaMi: "Namjoon it's 18 I know that" she whispered it a bit louder.
"Okay we will wait for the result but when I win will go out with me" I smirked, she widened her eyes and looked at me surprised, her cheeks getting a slight pink.
HaMi: "What?!" she caused everyone to turn their head to us, that's not a big deal, but the teacher to so...uh-oh.

Mrs. Lee: "Mr. Kim, Miss. Kang, would you please explain what's so interesting that you don't pay attention in my class?" I looked over to Ha Mi she hung her head down.
"I'm terribly sorry Mrs. Lee, we were just discussing about the answer on the question you gave us" she crossed her arms and glared at us.
Mrs.Lee: "When you discuss then here in front of everyone not shouting behind, you know I don't like noisy classes, Miss Kang?"
She hung her head even lower and muttered an 'sorry"

Mrs. Lee: "It's ok you two will think about it after school, detention!" gasps were spread allover the classroom. I raised my eyebrows and looked, again, at her she had an disappointed face and turned around to look at me. She mouthed an 'sorry' and knitted her eyebrows together. I shook my head and smiled. I never was on detention but hey? For everything there's a first time. And finally it rang for the last time. She put her things in the bag and sat down, I could see that she was sad.

"Aigoo Ha Mi-ya it's ok nothing bad happened" fewgirls surrounded us, obviously talking to me.
Girl1: "Omo! Oppa you must go ondetention! For the first time!"
Girl2: "Aren't you ashamed to put our Oppa in trouble?"

They looked at Ha Mi, she had compassion.
"It's ok I'm not mad at her, thishappens in life, it's normal" they glared at her and walked away. Rudepeople.
HaMi: "I'm really sorry...I didn't meantto..." she trailed off looking away. I chuckled patting her head.
"I said it's ok, right? Let's go nowbefore she gets more angry" she nodded taking her bag with her and walkingin front of me.'s your first detention Namjoon, good luck


Yay! another part! So what do you think guys? What will happen next? Please vote and comment, thanks for reading 

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