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It's time to update! Lol enjoy my beautiful people~ Please vote, comment and sahre!


I stormed through the store today, wanted to buy my family something nice.
Some souvenirs, what I actually did.
I bought my mother a beautiful long scraff, my dad a Tie and for my brother a sweatshirt I know he'll love it.

I'll be flying tomorrow back, I should see Rose at least.
So I decided to call her.
"Hey Rose, I Uhm gonna go tomorrow back and wanted to at least drink a Coffee with you, yeah? Well see us there"

I rushed back in my hotel and freshed up a bit. Put something better on me and made my way to the little shop. 
There she was waiting for me, she's so cute.

"Hey, did you waited long?"
"No, heh I just came here too"
"Ah good"

We sat down talking for hours.

"Namjoon, did you invited me because I look like your girlfriend?"
That surprised me, does it really looks like that ?

"No, God, Rose why are you thinking that?"

She shrugs.
"I don't know...I felt like that when I saw the photo of you two"

I felt upset, I didn't wanted her to think like that...I mean I didn't even though on that, yes she reminds me but I don't meet her for that...or?

"No, no no I would never invite you for coffee because you look like Hami"

She knitted her eyebrows together and looked at her coffee. OK damn...

"Hami, that's a interesting name"

I smiled looking at my coffee too.
"Ah yeah haha sounds cute huh?"

"...yeah Hami"
I looked up at her she was holding her head.

"Uh hey are you ok?"

"Yeah, just a little headache had a lot of paperwork today"

"Sure? Want me to bring you home?"
"No no I'll just go to the restroom, excuse me"

She stood up, but as soon she did that, she fell on the ground.


I was waiting in front of the room, the doc came out and her grandma came in, in the same time.

"Well Mis Wood will be okay, she just is a little bit stressed and should rest these days intensive"

He nodded and walked off.
Oh boy here comes her grandma.

"That's your fault!"

Told Ya. 

"I'm sorry what's my fault I did no-"

"You came back in her life!"

Wait, what? I starred at her puzzled.

Second Chance - Rap Monster ffWhere stories live. Discover now