Mission successful??

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Aye guys! I never though that I have readers that like this story 😅 I thought I'm going nowhere with this story...but thank you guys you make me happy 😭.


"Do I really look like that person you miss?"
Oh Rose you have no Idea...

"Just a little bit..."
I fake smiled but then remembered what she said.
"Wait I didn't said that I miss the person"

"I can see it in your eyes"
She took her coffee and sips out of it looking sharp at me.
I felt uncomfortable, I just told her that seeing her makes me sad.

"Nah it's not what you think, I like being around you! You're beautiful, you don't remind me of Hami!"
I blured out stopping after I said Hami.

She looked at me confused but a bit flustered.
I sighed letting my hands fall down on the couch together with me, I was lazily lying there. 
"It's not my weeeeek"

I whined like a baby. I could hear giggles and lifted one eye up.
"What's so funny?"

She said and brusted out laughing. My heart started to race. What is this feeling...her laugh makes me happy.

"Well Mr. Kim, want to take a walk?"
I looked like a idiot on our papers.

"But the meeting?"
"Don't worry about it"
She stood up taking her scraff and phone. 
She lead the way and I was following her like a lost puppy behind. 
Until we came in a beautiful park.

"So Namjoon, do you day dream always?"
"Yes not always but...in the last days..often"

She sat down on a wodden bench. I was following and sat down.
"Is something distracting you?"

I sighed and looked at her.
"I just think to much, and on something or someone that doesn't exist anymore"

She looked at her hands that lay on her lap.
"Lost someone special to you...I understand"
"Someone very special to me..
She meant the world to me"

"And suddenly-"

"Like a magic poff she disappeared"

We both said it in the same time.
"Your girlfriend?"

She asked smiling.
"Actually more like fiance, we were engaged"

"I'm sorry to hear Namjoon...I see you loved her she must be an lovely beautiful lady"

I smirked and took out my phone.
"For me yes, she was very beautiful and still is."

I opened my gallery and searched for a photo of us.
When I found it I smiled looking at her.

"Do you want to see her?"
She looked surprised at me but nodded immediately. I turned my phone and showed her a picture of us.

Her smile faded slowly, then she looked at me confused.

And she suddenly froze in spot.

Second Chance - Rap Monster ffWhere stories live. Discover now