Goodbye my love

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Well this will be the last part of the past and the flashback. After this part the present is, now enjoy.

* ** *
My alarm gone off. This is it, officially our time came to an end.
"Baby wake up, we need to go"
I lightly shook her shoulder kissing her head.
"I'm already up..."
The sadness was literally visible in her voice.
I tried to stand up, I didn't wanted to though, but I had to play the storng one. If I don't she will break.
However she didn't let me stand up.
"I don't want to go..."

"I know, come on let's not make your parents wait"
She sighed sitting up.
"I hate this moving here, moving there"
"We're gonna go through this together now come on staaaaand"

I pulled her up with me, standing now in front of the door. I took her hand and we entered the car. I wish the drive would last a lifetime, but unfortunately it was a short ride.

Her parents were ready, waiting for her. I turned my head to her, her face was already wet. I took her hand and kissed it.

"Promise me to call me every day, promise me to visit whenever you can, promise won't look at other girls"

"I promise to wish you good morning and nights, I promise I will stand in front of you whenever I can, and I can guarantee you I won't look at another girl, besides you and my mother there's no other in my world"

We reached out and wrapped our arms around each other. Last time I hold her...

"I love you""Forever and always" She pulled me down to her eyes level and crashed her lips into mine

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"I love you"
"Forever and always"
She pulled me down to her eyes level and crashed her lips into mine.
I will miss this. I will miss her touch, her voice, her scent, her soft hands, her smile, her laugh. I will miss her.
I can't let go.

The voice of her mother crashed us to the reality.
"Namjoon I'll go..."
Her body left mine, cold and lonely.

"Take care, don't forget me... I love you Kim Namjoon"
Her hands slipped away form mine. Why do I feel I will never see her again?

** * ** * **

"Namjoon wake up"
I lifted my head only to see the boys.
"Do you want to sleep all day?"
Jin nagged me again.
(A/N: Lol momma Jin)

"Leave me alone I'm not in a good mood"
Came out me muffled.
"Will you be the whole year like this? C'mon you're a man it's 4 hours since she's gone!"

"Hoseok has a point, Namjoon don't be a pussy"
I glared at Yoongi. He doesn't understand. They don't understand!

"Hyung let's hang out! We'll cheer you up!"
"The boys are right Joonie, go out"
My mother was surprisingly in my room.

"But I don't want too..."
"Kim Namjoon you're standing up or I have to beat you up?"
The nagging Jin again. ..

I looked at Jungkook.
When I stood up they cheered loudly.

* ** *
We were walking down streets with ice cream.
"I'm in for a nice basketball match boys"
Said Yoongi.
"That would be awesome"

"Oh my what a tragedy"
We heard an old woman say. Me and the boys neared us the woman and the TVs.
The news were showing a crashed airplane on his way to America. 

"Wait....hyung wasn't Hami flying with the 'Dragon company' ?"

Jimins voice made me remember what Hami said while we cuddled "Yeah early tomorrow with the Dragon company"

My ice cream fell of my hands, right now my whole world fell into thousands pieces.

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