Can I finally call you mine?

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Miaaan! I was on vacation and well I was more out and didn't had time for the story. But now I'm back!!!


Will she think now that I like her? But I really like her, still the cheek kiss was weird....what if she doesn't like me back? Gosh that would destroy me completely. I groaned and covered my face with the pillow. I couldn't close an eye tonight and it was already 10 in the morning... I turned to my left and saw our photo on the night table. I smiled at her...she's so cute...I continued thinking on her before I slowly drifted in my slumber. 

*Next morning*
The sweet voice from my mother woke me up.
Mum: "Namjoon wake up your dad wants you in the company" I groaned rubbing my eyes. I didn't even got enough sleep. Sitting up, my messy hair flying in my face.
That morning lazyness slowly creeping up my body.
"Why didn't he tell me yesterday?"
She just ruffled my hair and got up. Great I have work from morning on.
I opened my closet and took some decent clothes to wear. After checking myself in the miror, damn handsome from the morning on. I took my phone and headed to the company. There waited my father and a pile of paper work. Ahhh isn't it nice? I lose myself in the papers forgot even about the time. Of course it is late somewhere 19:40. And yes it learly is 20:00. After finishing the last paper I threw the pencil on the table and leaned backwards in my chair.

"Uuggghh" I let out a tired groan. The knock on my door made me sit up again. My father opened the door and smiled at me.
Dad: "Finished my son?" I nodded and got up he patted my shoulder. Knowing that the work is finally over I sat myself in the car and drowe off with father home. During the ride he talked with me about my future and that I already do a great job. What made me happy of course. I'm happy that I make him proud. Seeing my room, and my comfy bed, made me sigh the tiridness out. I threw myself on my bed and closed my eyes. My mind wandered everywhere and then it stopped. Shit!!! Ha Mi! Shit I completly forgot her.

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