1. Meet Me--uh I mean us!

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"Kaiga Levio Suga Kudo! Wake up this instance! It's your first day in Middle School!" a voice yelled, lighting up my room's light but being a stubborn head I am, I just groaned and pull my covers over my head.

"Levio!" urgh, mom. Stop calling me with those stupid names. The name she said earlier was my full name, thought I just usually my normal Japanese name, which is not counting the Levio and Suga.

My mom just want to name me that because Levio is a mixed name of her and Levi Ackerman, though he's still not cannon the time I was born. And Suga because my skin in so white like a white sugar and she also added that because of her K-pop bias. Urgh, Suga and Levi's not even famous then when I was born and my mom are making lame excuses for my names.

"5 more minutes, mom," I growled but she just pulled away my blanket from me. I put my one of my pillows over my face to shield me from the blinding light.

"Sopeul hajima no no no," mom sang, pulling away my pillow and taking my other pillows away from me. "Hurry up lazy butt. Mikka-chan's already down stares waiting for you," I opened my eyes wide in shock and rolled to face my mom but only ended up falling from my bed. I groaned.

"Oh so, Mikka-chan's your alarm clock ei? I'll tell her to sleep with you--"

"N-No, Mom!" I yelled, blushing. I slowly stood up and faced a red haired woman with long locks and crimson red eyes, which is by the way, my mom. She just smirked.

"Then hurry up before I make Mikka-chan bathe you," I blushed more.

"Damare!" I yelled again looking down. My mom knew my feelings for my childhood best friend but surprisingly didn't told her yet. I actually trust her a bit for that. Only a bit.

"Okay okay. I'm just joking. Anyway, hurry up before I really do it," Mom said, exiting my large room. Yeah, my room is laaaaarge. And I don't like sharing. I just groaned and then took my blue towel, walking into my personal bathroom and took a quick shower.

After the shower, I put on my uniform and dried up my hair, and just left it messy. It'll just be messy with my movements so why even fix it up? Anyway, after that, I took my blue man headband and put it around my head, under my bangs. What? I like how dad do it back in his teenage days.

So anyway, I took my things and ran from my room to our large staircase and to the living room, where I saw a blonde figure facing her back on me, sitting on a couch. Mom's talking to her again about random stuff, for sure. I smirked and slowly walked towards her. Mom saw me but kept quiet, continuing in talking.

I pull out a scarf and suddenly put it on her face, making her scream a bit.

"What the--Kaiga!" uh oh. She stood up and turned to me, still with the scarf covering her face, but not for long. When she fully turned to my direction, she pulled off the scarf and glared at me with her baby blue eyes. I shrunk down a bit.

"Oh, hey, Mikka," I said with a grin. A nervous grin, though.

"What the hell was that for?!" she asked. This girl is Mikka Tamuchi. My lov--uh I mean, best friend. She has long blond hair that falls to her waist and she got two almond-shaped baby blue eyes. She's three inches smaller than me making her look darn cute.

"Giving you back your scarf and at the same time, annoying you," I said pointing at the blue scarf she's holding. She let me borrow it a week ago when I got a small wound on my elbow. She treated it and wrapped her scarf around my wound.

"Thanks and stop annoying me for now," I clapped my hands in a childish way.

"So I can annoy Mikka next time!!" I yelled but Mom smack me in the head, I look at her and she was glaring at me.

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