22. Living Stars

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Mikka's P.O.V

I was inside my room doing my research on the Living Prodigies with my hair up in a messy bun and a pocky on my mouth. I pushed back my reading glasses and continued scribbling notes on my notebook.

"Onee-chan!" Kiryun burst into my room and turned on the lights and I groaned because the light is blinding me.

"Kiryun! Did mom ever taught you to knock?!" I asked as my eyes adjusted to the light . I opened my eyes and heard a flickering sound. I widened my eyes when I saw Kaiga grinning like an idiot he is with a phone in hand. Behind him is the whole generation of Miracles who was looking at me with wide eyes.

I then remembered that was wearing a spaghetti shirt and short shorts. I felt my face heat up and threw a large pillow at them, violently.

"Get out of my room!" I screamed and closed the door. What the heck are they doing in our house?!

"Woohoo! Mikka looks so hot in those clothes, even though she looks mess up," I heard that idiot Kaiga said and my face heat up! That idiot! Maybe he's getting back at me because of the pictures I showed them with him wearing girls clothes.

"S-Shut up, Kaiga!" I screamed as I heard him laughed.

"Get out, Mikka. We have to discuss about the game plan," Aka-kun said and I flinched.

"Okay! Just let me change."

"No need, Mikka! We already saw you so come out!" Ao-kun said as a tick mark appeared on my head.

"No way, you monkey!" I yelled and I heard knocking.

"Onee-chan, please hurry up. They were here to see you so please come and see them," Kirmin said with her usual sweet voice. I just can't say no to this kid.  And I'm not even gonna hide here!

"Don't make it sound like I was hiding from them, Min," I said with a sweatdrop, "Just let me change and I'll get out."

Kaiga's P.O.V

"Woah! Been a while since I saw Mikka wearing that top! She looks o cute!" I said as I stared at the photo of Mikka wearing a spaghetti shirt and short shorts. Her hair is messy and she wears glasses. She looks even cuter with a pocky on her mouth!

"Hey! Are you thinking lecherous thoughts about Nee-chan?" Kiryun suddenly asked as I shook my head vigorously, "Kaiga-nii! Don't you dare think about Nee-chan that way or I will lose respect for you as a future brother-in-law!"

"Yun, quiet down, please. And no one said that Kaiga-nii is going to be our brother-in-law," Min said as I cried crocodile tears.

"Min-chan! Why are you so mean?" I whined and she flinched.


"Oi! Why is it so noisy down there?" We looked up to see Mikka on top of the staircase. She's now wearing a pair of pedal shorts and a blue sleeveless shirt on top. Her hair is tied into a messy bun and she still wears glasses. I blushed and held back my breath before running up to her and hugging her.

"Kawaii, Mikka! You're o cute whatever you wear! You're so cute, I could eat you up!" I said loudly and I swear I saw a nerve pop out her forehead.

"Get off me!" She pushed me away as I grinned, "No time fooling around. I got what you need, Aka-kun."

Mikka held out a stack of papers and my eyes widened. I got the feeling whatever is written in those papers must be important for Sei-kun to know.

"Good, now let's talk about this Living Stars thing," Sei-kun said as I instantly took the papers away from Mikka, earning her protest.

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