11.Dirty Blond

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Super awesome A/N: So zhe awezome me thought of--*been kicked on the face

Real Author: f*uck off, Gilbert! This is my story so get out! You got no swag!

Prussia: Oh, jeahh? Jou're not awesome, RSE! Jou're lame!

RSE: *glared* oh shut the f*ck up, Gilbert! I'm not lame! I got swag! I'm the Red Swagging Empress! And how dare you come barging in this anime! Go back to Hetalia, bish!

Prussia: The awesome me--*got kicked again*

RSE: Shut up! Stop being an imposter! I'm Me! So f*ck off before I call Elizabeta and--

Prussia: *been smack on the head by a frying pan*

Hungary: No need.

RSE: thanks, girl. So anyway, this chapter would be ¾ Kise's Point of view and ¼ 3rd Person's P.O.V. So will you excuse me because I'll be punishing a country that lacks swagness.

Kise's P.O.V

Mikkacchi, Kaigacchi and I are in our classroom while the others are I don't know where. I don't feel like going out cause I'll be swarm by my fangirls again for sure. Speaking of fangirls. Some says that I've been dating someone, which is false info. I wonder where they got those.

"Ne, Kaigacchi,. Do you know about the spreading rumor about me dating someone ssu?" I asked, curious. I'm not really dating anyone so how could they come up with a conclusion like that? My manger don't know anything about it either.

When I asked him, I noticed him flinched, confusing me a bit, "Ahh...ehh..yeah. It's been the talk of the whole school actually. Your fangirls been asking me how you got a girlfriend too."

"But I don't have a girlfriend. I'm not dating anyone ssu!" I whined and then Mikkacchi's phone rung.

"Maybe you made a mixed photoshoots with a girl model and they thought you got something?" Kaigacchi concluded and I pouted.

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