7. Birthday Party

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A/N: I'll be doing Mikka's Point Of View most of the chapters cause I like her and maybe I want to play with the MiGa ship.

Mikka's P.O.V

Practice ended and Kaiga told us to have a snack in Maji's Burger cause he want to say something to them. And the most shocking thing is, his treat! When it comes to money and treats, he's the greediest that's why we're actually shocked.

We all went to Maji's Burger and I ordered a cheese burger, mango milkshake and large French fries. Hey, I got a big appetite but I'm not fat. Kaiga ordered a vanilla milkshake and six burgers. Three cheese buger and three regulars and sat beside me. I was about to call him a pig but then I remembered he's still not over with me because of what I did a few days ago.

The rest took their orders and joined us. At the end of the table, sat Aka-kun. In front of me is Midori-kun. Beside him is Murasaki-kun. Next to him is Ao-kun and then, Satsu-chan. In front of them are Ki-kun and Kuro-kun.

"So, Kaiga. What are you gonna tell us?" Aka-kun asked, looking at Kaiga, whose digging into his food. He swallowed it and begun to choke and drank his milkshake.

"That's what you get from eating too fast like a pig," I said making him glare at me. Oops!

"We're not finish yet, Mikka," he said in a cold voice, giving me shivers. This guy is a psycho and how did I even end up to be with him all the time? "Well anyway! I come to tell you guys, at Saturday, my younger siblings will have a birthday party and I'm inviting you to come."

"Kyle and Kyla? It's their 2nd birthday, isn't it?" Aka-kun asked and Kaiga nodded.

"I remembered all of you were busy last year, except for Ryo-kun, and failed to come so I'm asking you guys again this year," Kaiga said. Yeah, I also failed to come last year because I was with my own younger siblings at Korea.

"Well, I don't have anything to do in Saturdays so it's fine," Ao-kun said.

"Sure! I'll come. I'm dying to see the twins in person!" Satsu-chan said and Kaiga nodded.

"If Oha Asa said so, I'll come nanodayo," Midori-kun said. Kaiga looked at me and I nodded, getting his message. Midori-kun didn't know Oha Asa is under our company so it's fine to manipulate it.

"Is there any *munch* snacks there?" Murasaki-kun asked, munching his own food.

"Of course. We have chips, cupcakes, ooh! And don't forget the different flavoured cakes--"

"Okay, I'll come," I just internally giggled at that.

"Sure, Kaiga-kun," Kuro-kun said and Kaiga looked at Ki-kun.

"I don't have any schedule that time so it's perfectly fine!" he said as Kaiga smiled and looked at Aka-kun.

"Where is the venue?" he asked.

"At the Osaka Kudo Rest house," Kaiga said making their eyes wide. Before they can even protest Kaiga said "And don't worry. There's services for those who's far away in Osaka."

"Okay, I'll go. I'll go inform father if he wants to come too," Kaiga smiled widely.

"This is the first party all of us attended together. Oh! Wear tux guys and girl wear formal dresses,"  Kaiga said and we all nodded.

*Time skip*

"Kaa-san! Where's my shoes?!" I asked in our parents' room where Mom is also preparing for the upcoming party. Kaiga's parents also invited them. Kirmin and Kiryun went back home because of it so we're going there together.

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