25. Things Started to get Serious

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3rd Person's P.O.V

Back in the locker room, Kaiga's father stood before them with arms crossed and face hard. Mikka and Momoi are beside him as the whole Teiko team freshens up.

"Okay, this is the second half and we need to be more aggressive yet careful. We don't know when they are going to do the Living Stars tactic," Kaiga who was taking a short nap on the corner, opened one eye to glance at his father, "they are best to do it at the last 3-2 minutes of the game, but we don't know how much they'll risk."

"We still haven't found something to counter this tactic and even the inventor of the tactic has no clue on how to," Mikka said, glancing at the brunette who now opened both of his eyes.

"But before that," Akashi said and all eyes landed to the red head, "Won't it be better if we use Kaiga's skills?"

Kaiga shot up from where he is sitting and stared at his cousin with disbelief.

"You're not serious about that, are you?" Kaiga asked, eyes wide.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Akashi asked back as Kaiga suck his breath.

"But...where's the thrill in the game if it's going to be a sure win? Not that I'm bragging, but..."

"Kaiga, none of the opponents knows your real strength. Even the team doesn't only our family and Mikka know it. Maybe it's time for its big debut," Akashi said standing up. Kaiga looked over his father and to Mikka and then back to his teammates who are looking at him with a questioning look.

"Your real strength, nanodayo?" Midorima asked as he clutch a green Christmas ball.

"So you mean, whenever Kaigacchi has an intense one-one with Aominecchi, he's still not using his full strength, ssu?" Kise asked looking over Aomine who glares at Kaiga.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"Sorry, guys. I just want to hold back. What you see everyday, that's not my real capability. I can be much more stronger if I want to, but it just sucks out the thrill because it's gonna be a sure game," Kaiga said with an apologetic look. He's been keeping this from the team and even Kuroko, his childhood best friend doesn't know it and suddenly, his cousin blurts it out of nowhere and sends confusion in the team.

"So you're saying you've been faking all this time, Kai-chin?" Kaiga looked up behind him to see Murasakibara munching on his chips.

"Look, I'm sorry if I had to hold back and it confuses you, but trust me. It's for the best," Kaiga assured as silent fell into the room until Aomine decided to break it by standing up.

"We still have a game to win," Aomine interjected as Kaiga's father sighed.

"For the third quarter, Kaiga is subbed by Kise," the two said players nodded, "Okay. Now, Kaiga." Kaiga glanced at his father and Mr. Kudo smirked, "I think what Seijouro is really pointing out is... When they decided to use the tactic, go use your triumph card."


"We're gonna counter the Living Stars with Kaiga, so when the time comes, Kaigan will be on the court and the ball must be always with him," Momoi said making their eyes wide.

"What?! Are you serious?" Kaiga exclaimed.

"Kaiga, no need to be hold back this time. You made that tactic. You destroy it," Kaiga's father said firmly as the brunette sighed.

"Yes, dad," he knows he's the only one who can counter that tactic. Because.... Everyone in this team is slowly changing....and he doesn't like the change.

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