19. Interest

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Aomine's P.O.V

"Tch! Those Living SHITigies--"

"Daiki, language," Akashi warned with a glare and I bit my tongue for a sec before Tetsu butt in unexpectedly, surprising my soul out of me.

"Living Prodigies, Aomine-kun," he said making me almost scream. Almost.

"Tch, fine! Those Loving--"

"Living, Aominecchi. It's Living, ssu!" Kise said behind me as I restrain my anger and annoyance.

"Urrgh! Those LIVING PRODIGIES are mocking us! Second? Well, fuck my ass--"

"Dai-chan/Ao-kun, languages!" Mikka and Satsuki said in unison in a high pitch, which made my eardrum want to jump out of my ears.

"I DON'T CARE because we are not second to them!" I scream in annoyance only to be a victim if Akashi's scissors. We are now in the locker room after our game with Akirane Middle School.

"Those peasants have no rights to speak to me like that. They deserve punishment," Akashi said cutting the wind with his scissor.

"And that Mibuichi is weird, dayo," Midorima said clutching a red I.D cord. Lemme guess, that's his lucky item for the day.

"Nope. Each of the remaining Princes has an eye for one certain Generation of Miracles' member," Mikka said while giving me the soda Kaiga asked earlier.

"Huh? So they're interested in us? What kind of interested?" Kise asked after changing into a white shirt.

"Bromance...?" I almost spit out the water I was drinking after what Murasakibara said.

"Where did you get that word, nanodayo?!" Midorima asked, surprised that Murasakibara even know that word. He's a pretty huge guy but his mind is like a child's sometimes--okay, all the time.

"Kai-chin always say that Aomine-chin and Kise-chin are having bromance. A boy being interested with another boy," once he finished eh what he was saying, Kise and I glared at Kaiga who chuckled slightly. The others just stared at Kaiga.


*after a good five-minute beating*

After I beat the hell out of Kaiga, he was sulking an apologizing at the same time but all did Mikka did was sigh. That actually surprised me since normally she lectured Kaiga for not being a good influence. Why I was mad because he assume me and that lemon head have a bromance!

"Atsu-kun, you'll get me killed..." Kaiga said as I clicked my tongue.

"And we have no bromance!" I screamed as two scissors flew towards us. One for Kaiga and aother for me.

"Dmare, baka. Mikka, continue," Akashi ordered as Mikka hummed and smiled.

"Ie! I won't!" And that's when a pair of scissors flew towards Mikka but a hand caught it. We all looked at the owner of the hand and saw Kudo-san--nope! Kaiga's brother! Umm, definitely not. Kaiga?

"Woah, Jouro-kun. You can't just throw pair of scissors at Kaiga's soon-to--"

"Yada yada yada! Get out of this place, you piece of shit!" Kaiga said and kicked Kaiga out. Wait! Whose Kaiga among them?!

"T-They both have brown hairs..." Kise just stated the obvious.

"At last, the kryptonite for superman has arrived," Tetsu said creeping me out because of the sudden appearance."It's nice to see you again, Taiki-kun."

Their Secret Ace: Middle School Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now