★Special Chapter🎅🏀X-mas Special★

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3rd Person's P.O.V

Kaiga was in a photoshoot today and was wearing a red sweater with Christmas designs and a pair of jeans. On top of his head is a Christmas hat and he is holding a gift wrapped in green and red with a green ribbon on top.

"You look great, Kudo! Now pose!" The camera man said as Kaiga strike a pose where he put the gift leveling his head with a wide smile. The camera went off and Kaiga paused, "Nice! Now another one! Try acting cute!"

"Easy! Cause I'm already cute!" Kaiga said, acting cute for the camera.

"Okay, now, pose!" The camera went off again and Kaiga still acted cute.

"Minna-san! Am I cute?" Kaiga asked the staff, pouting as they laughed at his effort in being cute. Someone sighed at his remark and spoken.

"Kaiga, stop pouting. You look like a duck," Kaiga averted his gaze to the person who spoke and saw Mikka in a Mrs. Santa costume. A red tube dress with pouffy white cottons at the end of the skirt and a black belt around the waist. She is wearing a red and white scarf around her neck and white gloves up to her upper arm. Her blond hair is styled curly and ends at her lower back. Her hair grew long during her time in Seirin.

She was wearing a pair of black heeled boots that ends one span under her knees. On top of his head is a red Christmas hat with a little bell at the end.

Seeing his girlfriend in that outfit, Kaiga sucked in his breath and blushed. She was just simply...

"Kawaii, Mikka!" He compliments the blonde as she looked away blushing. The staff giggled at the two's cuteness as Kaiga smiled like a madman.

"Okay, Kudo-kun! Change in this so you can have your mi--" not letting his dress manager finish, Kaiga quickly jumped and took the outfit from her hand and ran to the dressing room. The dress manager just laughed at the brunette model's excitement as Mikka sighed.

"Tamuchi-chan, you're so lucky with Kudo-kun," Mikka's make-up artist said as she add some slight blush on the blonde's cheeks.

"He's quite a handful you know," Mikka said and her make-up artist giggled.

"But sweet. I remembered the time he asked you to be his girlfriend! He got your company employees' cooperation just to surprise you! So sweet!" She squealed as Mikka blushed, cheeks getting redder due to the blush on. Suddenly, Kaiga arrived, wearing a Santa costume. A thinner, less-bushy and more modern Santa.

A white dress shirt under a red and white blazer with sleeves ending on his elbow. A pair of red jeans and black slightly--heeled shoes. His hands are covered with black gloved and over his head is the same hat earlier!

"Am I a cool Santa or what?" Kaiga asked loudly making the staff sighed. They just love Kaiga's enthusiasm with his job and looks. Obnoxious, but never sucks the fun out of the job.

"A ridiculously obnoxious Santa, Kaiga," Mikka smirked as Kaiga grinned. They started their photoshoot together and made some pose together.


Ah, December! Christmas is nearing again and the weather is starting to get cold again. Winter cup just ended making Seirin the victor once more, but that's not really the point. The point is that, everyone is busy on buying gifts for their love ones and stuff for their Christmas parties. No exception for Momoi and Aomine who are walking on the streets of Tokyo in their winter outfit.

"Dai-chan! Hurry before they got out of stock!" Momoi said as Aomine walked slowly behind his childhood friend. Momoi planned on buying gifts for each of the Miracles since Kaiga invited them all along in a party in his mansion. Surprisingly, Akashi agreed to come along too.

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