15. Kaiga's Father as COACH?!

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Kaiga's P.O.V

I was in the rooftop, enjoying the warm sun and the cool breeze of the wind. Yeah. This is life baby! No worries. No practice. No joy killers. No pain in the head and....

"KAIGA!!!" hopefully, no Mikka ruining the hell out of my eardrums. I growled and shifted from my previous position to another as I heard the oor of the rooftop burst open also almost bursting my chest open and making my heart jump out. "We got practice like, right now and I'm gonna announce something there so get your stupid lazy ass off the floor!"

I opened my left eye to see Mikka standing next to me and glaring with her arms crossed. Man, she's really cute when she's angry.

"So what? Are you announcing that you miss your period again?" I asked jokingly and her face flushed red as I close my eyes again.

"Baka!" Wrong move! She kicked me real hard! Really really hard!


I was walking towards the gym with Mikka practically pulling my ears as I whined about it almost ripping out of my head. What??! It feels like it already! After a few minutes of agony (which feels like forever!) She threw me back inside the gym, landing face first.

"Ittai," I muttered as I raised my head to see a blurry brown figure, standing in front of me. "Huh? What are you doing here, Taiki?" I scowled as my other ear was pulled once again by that figure.

"So, I heard that you have been skipping practice since last week. Sleeping at the rooftop till 6. And I also heard from Nakamura-san that you are not attending classes, are those true huh, son?" My eyes widened when my vision cleared to see a very...very...VERY angry dad. I gulped and nervously smiled.

His brows almost meet each other and was glaring at me like he's gonna plant daggers on my body with his stern and cold blue eyes. A blue headband is also on his head which made me more nervous.

"Oh, dad. W-Wassup! L-Looking good t-today," I said and an irk mark appeared on his forehead, before tossing me across the room. Daiki was laughing at me, Ryo-kun has his eyes open wide. Shin-kun shook his head, disappointed. Atsu-kun doesn't care and just eat his snacks while Sei-kun just made a 'hmph' sound. And Tetsu-kun just sit on the bench!

'Wow, I really have GOOD friends. Wait..."

"What are you doing here, dad?!" I finally asked when I noticed that he doesn't just wear his headband but also a sweatpants and his basketball shirt. He wears those when... Ohhh... "Don't tell me..."

"Okay, now that Kaiga's here, stretch up! After that! Everyone except Kaiga, run 10 aps around the running tracks then 50 curl-ups and push-ups! While Kaiga has 2 time harder!" I screamed after Dad said all of that.

"Are you killing me?!" I asked out loud.

"Three times harder! Another complain and it'll be harder," I shut my mouth to prevent me from screaming and complaining as we started. I really hate it when dad trains us or rather, me. He's a human form of Satan! He is Hades! Kronos! He's Voldemort in disguise! He's a living hell!

"Kaiga! Four times harder the training for all those insults!" Waaahh! Did I said that out loud!? Man! I'm doomed!

★Time Skip~ brought to you by Kaiga's hellish dad

After a day of training, I felt my soul separating from my body as it lay on the cold ground.

"Rest in peace, Kaiga-kun," Tetsu-kun said, squatting down in front of me and I cried waterfalls which worsened when dad's voice boomed in the gym.

"Alright! Tomorrow! 5 o'clock in the morning sharp! Come here and we'll start training! Be late and I'll triple your training regimen!" He yelled, glaring at me. We all replied an 'osu' and started cleaning. My body still ached. I never had that intense training since I was 10!

"Kaiga!" I flinched at the sound of dad calling me. I turned to him, my body being stiff. "We need to talk."

He said, turning away and walking out the gym. I let my body relax and followed him. Before leaving, I felt like a pair of eyes are staring at me. I gazed where the feeling came from and saw Seijouro looking at me, blankly. I returns the look and followed dad outside. He was leaning on the wall of the gym with his arms crossed and eyes closed.

Dad looks exactly like me but only taller and has a more mature figure. His eyes are sharper and is a darker shade of blue while his hair is shorter than mine. Which really took my attention is the blue wristband on his wrist where the initial of 'K' is placed. K is for Kudo.

"Tell me. Why did you let the Princes be united?" He asked as my eyes widened and went back to its original size. I knew it. He would ask that question soon.

"I have a reason," I said and he looked at me with his sharp blue eyes.

"To make Taiki see that you can win even though you have an injury against the Living Prodigy? Is that it?" He asked and I let out a deep breath and nodded. He stood straight and stared at me.

"Taiki. He left basketball after having an injury and I'm gonna prove that having a stupid injury can't stop anyone from playing!" I said. Dad is the first one I've ever told this about. Taiki once had an injury but it already healed but he give up playing basketball! That really piss me off! Taiki's my cousin in dad's side.

"Well, your method is wrong," I widened my eyes at dad's statement. "You let those three get stronger in other countries and even injured yourself to just prove that? That is definitely wrong, Kaiga."

"But what do you expect, dad? He promised! He promised me that he wouldn't stop playing basketball! But what happened?! He broke it! And I'm desperate to show him that I wouldn't ever forgive him!" I said with my eyes giving out a determined look. Dad stayed quiet until I asked a certain question, "Why are you here anyway? I thought you're managing the business?"

"Your mom's taking care of that. I'm here to be your temporary coach. You know how strong Living prodigy are, don't you?" I held my breath when hen said that and smirked, "it would be fun to see how my students play now. And see how much they can push the strongest Kudo in your generation."

I grinned at dad as he smirked proudly.

"Yeah! Sure! You do that and I do my job!" I said and we laughed. Seriously, I think I'm really like dad!


A/N: raise your hand if you love your dad!👋✋❤❤ I'm a proud papa's girl!

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