14. A Talented Player (last part)

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A/N:   before we starts. Who else here ship RougexLucy from Fairy Tail? No one, rightPlease leave comment because I'll prove my classmate that RouLu is never going to happened ad NaLu won already. He shipped RouLu and kept pestering me that its better than NaLu, but bitch please, NaLu is real.

Kaiga's P.O.V

The next day, Satsu-chan and Mikka made us run around the track and field running tracks for our stamina training and I felt myself feel hungry.

After we finished the laps, I quickly get my snacks from my bag. Yeah, I brought snacks. But only today! I can always get snacks from Atsu-kun anyway.

"Oi, Kaiga, you seem to be missing something," Daiki said as munch onto my chips. Man, now that sounds like Atsu-kun. I swallowed before asking.


"You headband. You usually wear those things, but where is it now?" He asked, pointing at his forehead. Oh yeah! I don't wear any headband today.

"Oh yeah. Someone's been stealing my headbands lately and now nothing was left in my drawers. I'm going yo buy another one," everyone sweatdropped at my statement.

"Maybe you just misplaced it, Kaigacchi. Have you look all over your room?" I nodded before crumpling the plastic of potato chips.

"Yeah. The mansion actually and I haven't found any of my bands. Someone's bee stealing," I said in a creepy voice with matching wiggling fingers.

"Oha as a said, Leos will have an unlucky month so it is suggested to have your lucky item with you always, nanodayo," I narrowed my eyes at him as I stood up since I was on the floor, sitting.

"Yeah yeah. Great. So, do anyone here have any extra money to lend me? Mikka?" I was only smacked on the head when I asked and ended up crouching down to the floor.

"You got money so use it!" She said, coldly as I whimpered.

"Tomorrow's Leo lucky item is a red and blue baseball cap," Tetsu-kun said with an earplug on his right ear and looking at his phone. Seriously? He's into Shin-kun's idea?

"We'll buy later, nanodayo," Shin-kun said as I cried waterfalls. D I really need to look like an idiot for a whole month carrying weird stuff?

"Kaiga, refrain from calling people like Shintaro an idiot," I just stick out my tongue saying no to Sei-kun. He glared at me and threw superman again, but I dodged it. Ha!

★Time skip

We are now inside a shop. The whole team's here with me and was looking around. Atsu-kun is of course buying sweets, Sei-kun's checking out the scissors. Daiki's looking at the perverted magazine with Ryo-kun checking out the magazine with his pictures. Tetsu-kun's buying milkshakes with Satsu-chan and Mikka and Shin-kun's with me, looking for items.

"Red and blue cap... Red and blue cap..." I lowly chanted, looking up at the cap displayed. I paused when I heard someone talk in a foreign language.

"En serion necesita gafas," it took my attention because something white caught my eyes. (Translationyou seriously need glasses) I stopped on my search and took a look at the figure. To see a tall white haired figure is facing its back to me. It nodded its head as I tilted my head.

"Está bien, mañana te conseguiremos unas gafas," the figure that I think is in front of the white haired one said. Like. Wait. Tall and white that is not talking.

"Tada-kun?" I asked and the white haired guy look over his shoulder, sharp golden eyes was looking straight at me. He nodded and I grinned. "Been a while, Tada-kun! So how's Spain?"

He smiled slightly before looking at his back, revealing a brown haired guy with the same height as Tada-kun.

"Oh, I see. So who is this guy?" I asked. Tada-kun is a man of few words, literally. He only speak when needed and I understand him of course.

"I'm Alejandro Hernandez. You must be a friend of Tadashi here in Japan," the guy said as I nodded with a poker face. Well, at least, this Hernandez guy doesn't have a Spaniard accent to ruin his Japanese.

"Yeah. I'm Kaiga Kudo and at the looks of it, you seem to be Tada-kun's guardian," I said as he nodded.

"Yes, I am. It took me a while to understand Japanese due to he doesn't speak much, but I manage. And I am honored to meet you face-to-face, Mr. Kudo," he said formally making me laugh Al's confusing him and making Tada-kun sigh and shook his head.

"He doesn't like formalities, Alejandro," Tada-kun said in a monotone voice. It actually made my eyes widened.

"You talked?!" I asked out loud and after a few seconds, the whole GoM is here.

"What was that, Kaigacchi?!" Ryo-kun asked. He was going to ask more when he noticed Tada-kun and Hernandez.

"Who are these peasants?" Sei-kun asked and I recovered from my shock.

"Oh, the white haired is Tadashi and the other one is.... Who are you again?" I asked the Hernandez guy as he just chuckled.

"I am Alejandro Hernandez. Nice to meet you all, Generations of Miracles," He said. Man! I like this guy! He has no Spanish accent mixing with his Japanese!

"Nice to see you again, Tadashi-kun," Tetsu-kun said with a sloight sole as Tada-kun nodded. He talked earlier!!!

"Nice to meet you too, ssu!" Ryo-kun said, friendly as usual.

"Yo..." Daiki unenthusiastically said as the others just nodded.

"Woa! Look, Kaiga! You actually reached Tada-kun's neckline!" Mikka mocked as I widened my eyes.

"What?! Do you mean, I'm so small?" She just shrugged and my eyes twitched.

"Uhhh... Nice meeting you but we need to go now," Alejandro said and turned around, leaving. Before leaving, Tada-kun stared at me and Tetsu-kun before nodding. I nodded back, understanding what he meant by that. It's just hard, playing with your former teammates.


A/N: sorry! I have a major case of writer's block! Even my Note is short because of it!

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