30.What is Victory?

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30. What is Victory?

Kaiga's P.O.V

After the Nationals last year and our back-to-back victory, everyone started to change...in a bad way like I expected. Kuro-kun and I kept on keeping an eye on the team for any hope to get the back to their old self and so far...no luck. Thanks, universe.

We are now in our last year in Middle-School. Last year of being teammates. If we can ever be called teammates again, that is. The National Middle School Basketball Tournament started and we kept on winning like the usual. The Princes withdrew from the tournament and went back to the countries they were staying a year ago. The three of them seem to get the attention of some basketball experts in each countries and even the NBA.

I'm happy for them. Both because they found stuff they really want to do and because they are free to make their own decision without us, Kudos, interfering. [Explain later by Author-chan]

Well, back to Teiko. I'm really worried. Seijouro declared a quota in which each player must make 20 points per game and Aomine and Ki-kun made it a contest between them. Midori-kun also joined in the contest but he practically denies it over and over again. Even Mura-kun joined in to due to he finds it boring to have consecutive wins.

"Hey, hey! At least be a little happy that we've won," I said as Mura-kun stared at me with those blank purple eyes. We just won another game in the tournament and right now, we are in the locker room, changing out of our sweaty jerseys. Well, at least, they have sweaty jerseys. Since the Nationals last year, they have benched me again for the whole game. Probably for the whole tournament.

"Huh? What to be happy about when we just beat the opponent? That's so boring," Mura-kun said as I removed my headband again. I've been taking them off lately since it feels a little bit hotter. Maybe because my annoyance of their changed personality and ideals in the game slowly turned into anger and I am heating up in anger.

"Oh yeah! We! Yeah! We beat the opponent. How...boring..." I said sarcastically as I put the headband on my bag and took off my jersey to put on a white shirt.

"What's with the attitude, nanodayo?" Midori-kun asked as I faced him and gave him a half-hearted grin and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Attitude? What kind of attitude? I'm always like this," I said, totally lying! He looked at me before getting his red turban with a ribbon on it. I've been manipulating Oha-Asa for the past two months already getting Midori-kun have the most embarrassing stuff ever for a lucky item. I know some cancers are also affected, but they better deal with my annoyance. I'm quite curious where he got all these girly stuff. He doesn't have any sister and if he has, he's too of a tsunere to ask for their stuff!

"Kaigacchi! Wassup with you? Aren't you having fun with amusement we are making?" Ki-kun said as I frowned upon his reckless choice of words. Ki-kun also changed...a lot! He wanted to be the best and this little contest between our own team is his way to prove it!

"Sure. Yeah, I'm having a blast watching my teammates fight against each other," I then again said with sarcasm. Yeah, I've been this sarcastic the whole evolutiom of the Generation if Miracles. And I know that it's been ticking the hell out of them.

"You're just pissed off because you will never get to play in the court again," I turned to look at Aomine who is sending me a death glare. Tch, stupid gorilla.

"Say what?" I also send him my very own death glare and he violently closed the locker and put his hands on his hips.

"I thought you're suppose to have that keen eye of yours. I told you. You are not needed in the court ever again. And since those damn hell sons of b*tches, Princes are gone, this year will be a whole lot easier, though I sure do wish to beat each of their but. No," he smiled sending creepy chills up to my spine, "I'm sure I'll beat them since no one can."

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