2. Game On

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The day went on in a breeze. And I don't actually understand why Sei-kun aren't in classes. Anyway, after all my classes, Mikka and I were alone at Teiko's garden. Why? Because I need concentration before a game.

Mikka nagged at me earlier about picking fights in school again and well, being me, I didn't listened. I just told her I'll beat that gorilla and humiliate him with his big egos. Hmph, Mikka knows she can't stop me when I'm being serious.

I just sat on a bench with my arms spread across the bench's back and my eye closed. I let the myself breathe properly with the fresh air the surroundings are releasing. Garden could be a perfect place to concentrate.

After 5 minutes of doing so, I slightly opened my eyes and crouch down with my elbows resting on my thighs. Call me a weirdo because of this, I don't care. Concentration with the nature is one of the proper way to get stronger so I don't care.

I stood up and walked towards Mikka.

"Let's go. That gorilla is probably waiting for us," I said as Mikka sighed and nodded. Then we started walking towards the nearby street court.

"You know, Kaiga. You can just end this game easily. Show him who's stronger. Why do you have to need that plan?" Yes, I have a plan. I'll first see what he can do and use it against him with some of the tricks I got up my sleeves.

"Because he underestimate a Kudo. And who ever underestimate a Kudo much receive a punishment," I said coldly. Noticed the changed? I was childish a while ago and now I'm dead serious. This is what happens when I concentrate and angry. Let's just say I got this quality in my mother's side.

We arrived at the court and as expected, many came. I even saw Kuro-kun and Ki-kun. Probably curious what I'm going to do or what he's going to do. I saw the blue-haired idiot at the middle of the court looking at me with piercing eyes. Beside him is a pink haired girl. Who's that girl anyway?

"So, you came. I thought you got scared and back-out. Glad you're not," he said as I look at him coldly.

"I would never be scared of a challenge which I was the one who declared. What's your name again? I didn't catch earlier," I asked and he looked at my side. I trailed his eyes and saw he was looking at Mikka.

"Got a good one there ei? What if we make the bet like this? If you lose, that girl's mine--"

"Why you--"

"And if I lose, I'll be you personal butler for a month, deal?" I hissed and pulled Mikka behind me.



"And I'll make you regret what you said just now. I'm not gonna let you have Mikka because I'll beat you," I said with a glare. I look at him then at the girl beside him who hid behind him after seeing my glance.

"My name's Aomine Daiki by the way," he said with a confident smirk. I tightened my grip at Mikka's hand. Don't be confident you pervert.

"Kudo. Kaiga Kudo," hearing my name, the people watching us whispered at each other. Maybe because my name is pretty famous to all levels.

"Well, Kudo. Let's start, shall we?" he said as I nodded. I took off my blazer and gave it to Mikka. I told her to sit on the bench and watch carefully. She did what I said and as I faced Aomine. He's stretching his arms and made a crack on his knuckled and neck. Hmph, do he think that'll scare me?

"Being the challenger you should have brought a ball," Aomine reminded and I hissed.

"I brought a ball okay?" I yelled, annoyed at his attitude. I took a basketball from my bag and dribbled it walking towards him. "Let's start. Now!"

Their Secret Ace: Middle School Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now