29. Changing the Course of Life

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Kaiga's P.o.V

A week after I wake up, I went to visit the gym. I'm not yet in the mood to go to school nor practice and Dr. Midorima forbid me. Too. But I plead him to let me see the progress in the practice.

Dad resigned from being our coach and now the former Head Coach is replaced as I heard. I am on my way to Teiko inside our limo while it was raining outside. Mom and Dad doesn't let me walk on my own yet and it bum me out a lot. They are too paranoid to let me walk outside on my own.

On the way, I dialed Mikka's number and tried calling her. Once she answered it, I traced sadness and worry in her voice.


"Mikka? What's wrong?" I asked as I heard her sigh heavily. Something's going on. And it's not good.

"Ao-kun...stopped going to practice," I widened my eyes and it seems like she's not finish yet, "And Murasaki-kun and Aka-kun is having a one-on-one right now."

"What?!" I exclaimed and dashed towards the driver and clutched his shoulder, surprising him, "Please hurry up! I need to get there, fast!"

"Y-Yes, Young Master!" He said and quick up the pace. I went back to my seat, as near to the door as possible. I knew this will happened sooner or later.

"I have to hung up, Mikka. See you later," I said and hung up on her. In a few moments, my vehicle stopped in front of the gate and I jumped out of the limo.

"Young Master! Come back!" One of my bodyguards said, but I didn't listened and ran towards the gym as fast as possible, not minding the heavy rains. The gym finally came into view and I ran faster.

Once I was in front of the gym do, I slid it open in loud bang, but I think they are too focus on the game that's been going on than to notice me. I widened my eyes at what I am seeing, right before me.

I saw the look in Sei-kun's eyes and the shock expression in everyone's faces. Atsu-kun is now on the floor with a petrified look on his face.

"What...What's going on?" I muttered as I watch Sei-kun crush Atsu-kun. I noticed one of his eyes changed colors with a pair of halo surrounding his pupils. The Emperor's Eyes.

Five shots later, Sei-kun fglanced towards me, but I did all I can to keep a blank face to show him. I can't be swayed. The other Akashi Seijouro has surfaced.

"Well, well. It's such a sight to see the Puppeteer here," he said as he walk towards me. I started walking towards him too and look at him in the eye with my own special Eyes.

We attracted attention from the other members as we stare at each other.

"What the heck happened, Seijouro?" I asked using his full name. He suddenly used his eyes to try making me fall, but I didn't swayed and countered it.

"And who are you to ask me that, peasant?" He asked and did it again, this time, succeeding. Damn it! I'm to weak to continue it.

"Go back, Seijouro," I told him, but he didn't listened and send me a stare that shows his authority.

"You have no rights to tell me that, Kaiga. I am Absolute and from now on, you cannot defy me anymore," he said as I clicked my tongue and stood up again, but he instantly pushed me down.

"Urgh! Sei--"

"It is best if you don't talk anymore, Kaiga," he said--no. Commanded, rather. I looked away towards Atsu-kun with a click of my tongue and he kicked something.

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