28. Result of Strength

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Kuroko's P.O.V

Kaiga-kun was placed in an ambulance as Miokia-sama sat with him inside. Kyumre-sama let us ride with him and he looks really worried. I kept my emotionless face on, but deep inside I am sickly worried of Kaiga-kun.

I know this all sound dramatic, but it is true. Kaiga-kun was the other person other than Shigehiro-kun and Mikka-san who get me into Basketball so I owe him a lot. Kaiga-kun is my friend and knowing that he might be in trouble just makes me sick.

Kaiga-kun is very reckless as ever, making everyone surrounding him worry.  I look over to Mikka-san and saw she has the most worried expression among the Generation of Miracles.

She always scold Kaiga-kun, but the doesn't change the fact that he is her best friend. I've seen how close they are and knowing he's suffering, makes her extremely upset.

"Mikka-san," I called and she looked over to me, "It's alright. Kaiga-kun's a tough person."

She smiled and nodded as Momoi-chan clutched her hand, reassuringly. I kept quiet as I remembered a conversation we had years ago with Taiki-kun.


"Hey, Taiki, Tetsu-kun. What do you think suit me best? Reckless or just...you know, more level-minded?" A ten-year-old Kaiga asked, grinning at me and Taiki-kun. We were in their private gymnasium, playing basketball and at that time, we decided to take a break while Shigehiro-kun is still on his way.

"Huh? Maybe you'll be better off as a level-minded person, cos'. You always got into trouble whenever you become reckless," Taiki-kun bluntly said, raising an eyebrow.

"Really? How about you, Tetsu-kun?" He asked as I flinched.

"Huh? Y-You ask me?"  That time, I wasn't very good at observing nor making conclusion yet so his question is very hard for me to answer. Though, he was confident at anything making me get some from him.

"I think being reckless suits you well," I said making Kaiga-kun grin and Taiki-kun narrow his eyes at me.

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