26. Final Battle

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Kaiga's P.O.V

As I was watching them splay in the court, I decided to look at the scoreboard to see that there is only 5 minutes left in the game. I sighed, expecting Seijoh to use the Living Star tactic. I looked over at Mikka and called her.

"Oi, Mikka," she turned her gaze towards me and I pointed at my forehead, more specifically, at my headband. She gets what I am trying to say and took something from her bag and gave it to me. It was a red headband, but unlike my usual forehead protector headband, this is different.

It's a turban, but I just like calling it a headband. She gave it to me and I took it. I took off my blue headband and wiped the sweat on my forehead before putting on the turban. It pushed back my brown hair and clears my face.

"Kaiga-kun," Tetsu-kun said and I smiled, "I've been thinking, what is your real skill anyway?"

"Yeah, Kaigan," Satsu-chan joined in and I sighed with a smile.

"To be honest, I'm not sure myself," I said, obviously surprising them as Mikka listen closely, "Dad always tells me that everyone has their own special skill, but I'm different. I kinda just do stuff on my own."

"What do you mean?" Satsu-chan asked.

"You'll see if they decided to put me in," I said and we stayed until Seijoh called for a time out. Sei-kun and the others walked towards the bench and freshen up.

"They're gonna use it," Sei-kun said, making Ryo-kun stop drinking.

"The Living Stars?" He asked and Sei-kun nodded, glancing towards Seijoh.

"Kaiga, start warming up. If they really do decided to use that tactic, we would need Kaiga in the court," Dad said and I nodded. The buzzer turned off and they all went back into the court. I looked over towards Seijoh and I widened my eyes, feeling the temperature drop.

Even though I'm not inside the court, I sensed the tension. Everyone from Seijoh...is smirking.

"Dad..." I called and he nodded.

"They're gonna use it," he said and I warmed up. As I warm up, I also watch them play. Just a few moment later, Seijoh had Teiko where they wanted us to be. In a star formation.

"The Living Star!" Three people exclaimed. Mikka and I while for the other one, I looked over to the bench and saw Mom. Her eyes were as wide as a saucer and her eyes flashed from red to gold, much like how my eyes changes color.

The crowd seem to heard our outburst and stated murmurings to themselves. I finished my set of warm ups and spun Dad by the shoulder.

"Dad, I need to get in," I said, walking towards the court, but he stopped me by grabbing my elbow.

"Wait, look," I look over to Teiko and my eyes became wide. Wider than how big my Mother's eyes became. It even flashed in a different color.

Sei-kun and the others are smirking. Like they want them to use the tactic while they are still in the court.

"Let's see what your teammates have to do in this kind of situation," he said and I nodded, unsure then sat down. What are they up to?


Seijouro took the ball from Luciano and dashed towards the ring. He was about to make a shot when Takane jumped in an incredible speed. This caught my cousin off guard as Takane slapped the ball off his hand. The ball was passed on Tadashi and he instantly made a shot, from the other side of the court to the other.

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