8. Kise's Crush

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Mikka's P.O.V

The party was about to start because I saw Kaiga's parents at the stage. Mrs. Kudo is wearing a purple cocktail dress with a purple ruffles at the end of the skirt and small red roses at the belt line that actually makes her look years younger. Well, she does look years younger. Sometimes, people are really shock that she's already a mother of three. Her hair is tied into her usual bun but this time some hair are loose.

Kaiga's father, Mr. Kyumre Kudo, is wearing a white buttoned shirt inside with a black blazer outside that ends to his middle thigh. He's also wearing black pants and shiny formal black shoes. His hair is combed backwards like Kaiga's.

"Excuse me for a bit. Big bro duties," Kaiga said and stood up. I looked at him and we nodded. I watch him walk away to the back of the stage and drowned in deep thoughts. I never seen Kaiga so formal before. The past party we attended, he's not like that. He was still goofy and childish so what's wrong this time?

He even combed his hair which he doesn't usually and hates doing. As his best friend, I know that. I was cut off from my train of thought when Mr. Kudo speak at the microphone.

"Good afternoon dear guests. I am thankful that you all made it to my second son and daughter's second birthday celebration. Bit too formal for a party, eh?" the guests laughed at his remark. Urrgh, can we stop saying formal here? That word is really getting in my nerves.

"I know you all want to see our dear children so here they are with their Onii-san," we clapped as Kaiga appeared at the side of the stage carrying two brown haired and red eyed kids. I stared at awe at the two as the girl, Kyla reach out for Mrs. Kudo which she gladly carried. The boy, Kyle, stayed at Kaiga's arm as Kaiga bounce him gently.

"Meet, Kyla Mikasa Kudo and Kyle Yuuram Kudo. The birthday celebrant," I heard some comments in the crowd saying how cute the twins are and how happy they are as a family.

"Aww, they're so cute. The boy looks exactly like Kaiga-kun!" Satsu-chan commented and I chuckled.

"Maybe they would be a troublesome too, when the time comes," I muttered. The introduction ended and I saw Kaiga had some small conversation with his parents. They nodded as Mrs. Kudo put down Kyla as Kaiga did the same with Kyle. They walked towards us as I saw Satsu-chan's eyes sparkle. When they arrived in front of us Kaiga  carried the girl.

"Hey, guys. Want you to meet my siblings, Kyle and Kyla," Kaiga said as Ao-kun smiled.

"Wow, your brother's more handsome than you Kaiga," then he laughed. I saw Kyla puffed her cheeks and glared at the laughing maniac. Uh oh.

"Onii who's the kingkong?" we all laughed as Kyla pointed at Ao-kun, making him growl.

"Kyla, Kingkong's Onii's friend," Kyle said, emotionlessly, annoying Ao-kun.

"Kaiga, what have you've been teaching these kids?" Ao-kun asked.

"Nothing. I didn't taught them anything except for counting," Kaiga said.

"You taught them right, Kaiga," Aka-kun said as I chuckled.

"Wow, to be honest, Kaigacchi. Is this kid really your brother or Kurokocchi's?" Ki-kun asked looking wide eye at the younger boy.

"Kise-kun this is really Kaiga-kun's brother. He doesn't look like me," Kuro-kun said, emotionlessly. Now, come to think of it. They do ound alike. Kaiga sat beside me with the two sitting on his lap. We started talking as Murasaki-kun kept on eating and getting sweets. Satsu-chan borrowed the twins and played with them with clap games.

"Hey, Ryo-kun, I never asked you a question I've been thinking since you join the team," Kaiga said, looking at Ki-kun whose eating his food. We all got hungry in the talkings so we all eat. I took a pasta, lasagna and a strawberry cake slice.

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