9.The Princes

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3rd Person's P.O.V

Everyone was in the gym and practicing a these time around, but a certain brunette is missing which is likely like him and annoying a certain Blonde girl.

"Where is that, Kaiga?" Mikka muttered to herself as she look at her wristwatch to see Kaiga an hour late! A menacing aura was felt throughout the gym, sending chills into people's spine.

"Oi, Akashi's getting scary again," Aomine said to Kise who was stretching his arms but was stop when Akashi's annoyed aura get to him.


"Akashi-kun, calm down," Kuroko said, casually but still made people jump away. And also sending extra chills into their spines.

"That peasant. Who is he to come h--"

"I'm here!!" Kaiga suddenly scream, bursting from the door, and dodging a superman scissors thrown by the one and only, Akashi Seijoro. "Ooh! Sei-kun that was faster than the last time! Nice!" Kaiga said, giving a thumbs up, earning a glare from his red haired cousin.

"Why are you late?" Akashi scowled as Kaiga took out a paper and grin. Upon seeing the piece of paper, Akashi's glare softened and everyone's eyes widened (except for Kuroko who is emotionless, Murasakibara who doesn't care less and Kise who is clueless)

"I went to get this form from Uncle Taichi, so we could get registered as soon as possible. Thankfully, he can't resist his most handsome nephew," Kaiga said as Mikka smacked his head before taking the paper.

"Nice, Kaiga. The tournament hasn't been announced yet but you already got us a registration form," Mikka said and walked towards Akashi to give him the form. Kise seemed to be catching up with the subject.

"Are you sure about signing up early? Plus, what if they make changes?" Momoi asked as Kaiga nodded.

"It's alright. Uncle also said, that there won't b any changes so it's okay for us to sign up earlier. Uncle wasn't willing at first but I a good deal to make him permit us to have a early registration," he assured them as Akashi stared at his cousin with amusement.

"Well done, Kaiga. For a goofball, you actually thought about this. And what is this deal you are saying?" Akashi asked, raising an eyebrow. Kaiga's expression dropped from a cheerful one to a serious looking one.

"That I would permit the Princes to play. Been a while since they actually joined a tournament," all their eyes widened, except for the three earlier. Again because Kuroko was emotionless, Murasakibara doesn't care less and Kise is clueless.

"What? What do you mean you're allowing them? As I heard, the Princes stopped joining tournaments after the incident in the Intermediate Grade Level Tournament nanodayo," Midorima asked, pushing his glasses.

"Matte! What's these so called Princes? I don't understand!" Kise asked, completely clueless about the topic. Aomine looked at him with disbelief.

"What? You don't know them? Before Generation of Miracles were ever formed, there's already a prodigy group consisting 5 players in Grade School. We are only considered the second them," Aomine explained but Kise was still clueless so he turned to Mikka and Momoi.

"3 years ago, a group of talented basketball players were formed during in their grade school time. I heard they even surpass junior high students with their skills. They were called the Princes or Living Prodigy. Like what Dai-chan said, they were consisted with 5 members. Their center, Mitsuchi Takane. Small Forward, Yamamoto Kira. Shooting guard, Mabuichi Tadashi. Their point guard, Taiki Kudo ad the last one was unknown. I don't know why though," Momoi explained as Kise seems to get it now. Shadows formed on Kaiga's face due to his long bangs and took a deep breathe.

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