6. He'll be my GIRLFRIEND; Creepy Kaiga

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Mikka's P.O.V

It's been two weeks since Kise-kun joined the First String and so far, he's doing good. Aka-kun even let him be a regular and became a member of the Generation of Miracles. By now, everyone is running outside with Satsu-chan keeping an eye on them. Yeah, I already called her with her first name and vice versa. Everyone in GoM called me in my first name and so as Kaiga.

Kise Ryouta, beginner yet good at playing basketball. Has potential to be ace.

I felt my phone vibrated and I saw that someone is calling. I looked at the caller's I.D and saw it was my little brother. I smiled and answered it.

"Moshi moshi, kawaii ototou," I said sweetly as I heard him growled.

"Nee-chan, I'm not cute. I'm handsome! Kakui!" He said at the other line as I chuckled.

"Yeah right. Anyway, how's Korea? Are you doing good there? How're you and Kirmin? Don't be such a chick boy there, Kiryun," I asked. My younger siblings are in Korea for career purposes with Aka-kun and Kaiga's cousin Kaori-chan. The truth is, the three of them are trainees of a certain entertainment in Korea.

"It's awesomely great here! Kirmin and I loved it! Haha! But still I miss you guys in Japan! Especially you Nee-chan. When I come back there, I'm bombard you with teases with Kaiga-nii! And I'm not a chick boy!" he laughed at the other line as I puffed my cheeks.

And he even call Kaiga with -nii at the end. Well, Kaiga is really an older brother figure to the two of them. He would play basketball with Kiryun in free time and even play pranks on Kiryun's friends. *sigh* Kaiga's a bad influence.

"Anyway, I just called you because I have nothing to do in my break time. Kirmin is with Kaori-san and my other friends are talking about their sasaengs. You know I don't have any sasaengs," I can sense Kiryu pouting at the other line, making me chuckle.

"What about that Kim Taehyung you've been talking about? I thought he was you're favorite senior in there," I said and he grunted.

"Nope. If I tell them that, they'll think I like weird 4D people," Kiryu complained and I rolled my eyes.

"Xi Luhan?"

"Nope. He's long gone in K-pop industry. Well, that's what I heard," he said and then I heard someone at the other line.

(A/N: Sorry, I'm just into K-pop today, leading me to write things up here again)

"Break time's up!"

"Ooh! Onee, I have to put this down now. Okay,noone'slistening!Loveyou! Bye!" he then hung up making my eyes wide. The last thing he said is hard to understand because he said it too fast. Anyway, I put back my phone in my skirt's pocket and waited for the rest of the team.

"Wooh! Booya! I'm here first, Daiki! Give me a hundred yen!" Kaiga said wiping his sweat. Behind him came Ao-kun huffing for air.

"No fair! You took a shortcut!" Ao-kun complained as the two of them entered the gym, followed by the others.

"No, I didn't! I'm obviously faster than you," Kaiga shot back. I just sighed. These two never changed. Well, for the past weeks, all of us grew a close bond with each other, even Aka-kun but he just denies it. Such strong egos. Kaiga started calling all of them by first name, even Kuro-kun.

"Mikka, Satsuki, double their training," Aka-kun said referring to Kaiga and Ao-kun. Satsu-chan and I just smirked and nodded.

"Yorokonde!" We said in unison. Oh, how I love making these guys suffer.

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