5. Game

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Kaiga's P.O.V

I was napping at the rooftop and don't worry it's just for lunch time. In fact, I'm not napping at all. I was just laying down on the floor or is it a roof? Anyway, I was just laying down with my eyes close when I felt someone walked towards me.

"What do you want, Ki-kun?" I asked startling him a bit. Aww, man! I didn't got that!

"Sorry to disturb you, Kudocchi but--"

"I told you to just call me Kaiga and don't add cchi, will you?" I asked a bit annoyed. I'm not really fond of nicknames. Especially when Mom give them. She would call me, Telepo because of EXO Kai. Sometimes Kaikai. Ohh, I hate that one.

"Sorry, but I just can't help it. I can call you Kaiga but I can't promise without the cchi," I groaned.

"Well, that's okay. Anyway, what did you came here for?" I asked and he stiffened a bit. Why? What did I do?

"Ahh, about Kuroko Tetsuya," he said and I looked at him, sitting up.

"Why? What about him? Did he teach you something wrong about basketball?" I asked though I highly doubt that.

"No no no! It's just, can you tell me about him?" he asked as I put my hand on my chin as if thinking. I widened my eyes "What? What happened?"

I snapped my finger smiling, "I actually think!" then I laughed and Ki-kun released a stressed sigh.

"Nevermind," he started walking away but I suddenly stood up and called him.

"Kise!" I noticed him stiffen at my call. My voice were stern like Akashi and it was the first time I call him with his full family name. Without honorifics nor cuts "Don't you turn your back on me when I'm still not finish on talking."

He turn around his. His face covered with fear and hesitation. I just look at him coldly and stood up.

"So about your question," I started tucking in my hands inside my pocket. "Kuroko Tetsuya is not as weak as he seems," I know why he's asking me this. Kuroko can't shoot and has such low presence. It's indeed shocking how he became a regular. I lean on the railings, acting cool and cold.

"He might not be that tall like me and Akashi, but he got something special. Like Midorima, Aomine, Akashi, Murasakibara, and I, he's also a regular. He can't be one if he got nothing inside him. He can't shoot, yes. His presence is low and hard to detect leaving everyone in the court ignore him but, he's special," I said smiling. I saw his expression was serious. He can't believe what I'm saying? Hmph, then I'll show him.

I walked towards him and punch his arm gently and weakly, "Just wait for your chance to see it and you will understand what I'm saying."

Then I left him there, walking down the rooftop.

3rd Person's P.O.V

The first string members are stretching at the gym when Kise suddenly burst out.

"I can't accept this! How can he be a regular?!" Kise asked, pointing at Kuroko. Aomine look over his shoulder.

"What? Ahh, Tetsu. He's a regular for a reason. He's useful in the court," Aomine said and went back to stretching.

"Yeah, I already told him that earlier!" Kaiga said dribbling a ball as he walks towards them "Ki-kun, don't ever underestimate Kuro-kun. He's strong in his own ways."

After saying that, he threw the ball behind him and it went in the ring making a woosh sound. Kise jawdropped seeing that.

"Oh! There's a fly!" Kaiga joked, pointing at Kise. Kise suddenly shut his mouth believing his joke.

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