12. A Talented Player (Part 1)

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Kaiga's P.O.V

I gulped at the sight of a familiar guy who is standing at the court. I stood up with wide eyes also muttering that guy's name, "Kira-kun?"

The guy turned to us with his black orbs wide and his mouth forming an o. He pursed his lips into a thin line and I swear his eyes sparkled. Uh oh. That is a bad sign. I grabbed Tetsu-kun's wrist making him look at me.

"Kaiga-yan! Tetsu-yan!" He screamed, dashing towards us. Too bad, I'm still faster and run away immediately, with Tetsu-kun.

"The hell! Who the f*ck are you!?" Daiki asked, who jerked away since he was almost hugged by Kira-kun. He looked at Daiki with wide eyes and pouted.

"Mou, cussing is a bad habit. Better fix it," Kira-kun said, smiling while pointing at Daiki. The other looks curious who this guys is. Even Sei-kun.

"Kaiga, who is this peasant?" Sei-kun asked, harshly. Kira-kun narrowed his eyes and flattened his mouth like this → -_-

"Meanie," Kira-kun muttered. I made sure Tetsu-kun and I keep our distance away from him.

"He's Yamamoto Kira. Our former Small Forward of the Living Prodigies. He's a gay pedo like Ryo-kun," he and Ryo-kun cried waterfalls.

"Meanie, Kaigacchi ssu/Kaiga-yan!" They said in unison and then making an eye contact with each other.

"Maybe they *munch* are gay," Atsu-kun said, munching on his chips.

"Can I have some?" I asked and he nodded. I took some and threw it into my mouth.

"Waah! You're the guy from the studio (ssu)!" I tilted my head when they again yelled in unison only to be a living target of Akashi's superman scissors. I started calling his scissors superman due to it always flew. Gets? I'm so fab!

"So there's another gay peasant here whose obsess with the 6th Phantom man and my over-grown mushroom cousin," Sei-kun said as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Meanie," me, Ryo-kun and Kira-kun said in unison. I started imagining myself as a mushroom. Well, come to think of it, I'm actually an absolutely super (after many adjectives later) handsome mushroom.

"Wait a minute, you're Yamamoto Kira nanodayo? The small forward of the Living Prodigies dayo?" Shin-kun said with wide eyes.

"Pfft. Your naodayo," Kira-kun mocked as Shin-kun glared at him, "Well, yeah I am! And I'm just here to visit Kaiga-ya ad Tetsu-yan!"

"But do you know that you are fucking trespassing?!" Daiki asked out loud, letting superman flying towards him. Wooosh!

"Damare, Daiki," Sei-kun said.

"Anyway, even if you came to visit, I'm still not making any physical contacts week with you, Yamamoto-kun," Tetsu-kun said making everyone jumped. Well, not really everyone. Only the people so doesn't notice him.

"You're a meanie!" Kira-kun said with waterfalls and then a voice shouted.

"DAMN YOU, BASTARDO!" then the next thing we know, Kira-kun was kicked on the back of the head by a dark brown haired guy. Kira-kun fell, face first. The guy has an average height and has green eyes and like I said, Dark brown hair. He started yelling things to Kira-kun in a foreign language. Well, foreign for the others. I actually understands Italian.

"Come osa mi lasci in mezo a Tokyo, Bastardo?!" The new guy said to a crying Kira-kun squatting down on the floor with a huge lump on his head. (Translation: How dare you leave me in the middle of Tokyo, Bastard?!)

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