16. Game Plan

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Mikka's P.O.V

Satsu-chan and I run towards the gym as fast as we could for a very important reason.

"Satsu-chan! Hurry up!" I said because she was trailing behind me. We were just from the faculty room since all the managers and co-managers of all sports club were called for a meeting and after the meeting, we got a very important thing to discuss with the team.

Speaking of the team. Stuff has been more progressive since Mr. Kudo became the temporary coach of Teiko's first string team. Kaiga goes to practice more often but still skips from time to time. Ending being thrown across the gym by his own father.

Ao-kun also became faster stealthier. Murasaki-kun became lesser lazy because Mr. Kudo promised to reward him sweets after practices. Midori-kun is just like usual and Aka-kun seem to like what had happened.

"Finally! We're here!" Satsu-chan said as we panted heavily. We actually earned the whole team's attention. Ki-kun is helping Ao-kun in sit and reach while Tetsu-kun help Kaiga. Murasaki-kun, Aka-kun and Midori-kun is stretching on their own ways.

"What's with the hurry huh, girls?" Mr. Kudo asked with his hands inside his pocket. In the split second, I thought he wanted to go back to his teenage days.

"Uh! We have an announcement!" I said with a cheerful smile but I think Kaiga thought another meaning of my smile cause he flinch. Okay, now my smile has another meaning and only for him.

"The competition bracket is out! We could see our opponents!" Satsu-chan said showing her clipboard where the printed bracket is. They gathered around as Aka-kun took the clipboard. Midori-kun and Kaiga took a glimpse of it as the others just waited for a while before Midori-kun said something.

"What school did the Princes joined into?" He asked as Kaiga's expression tensed. I narrowed my eyes at him. When it comes to Living Prodigy, his expression became so grim.

"Seijoh Academy," Kaiga said as Aka-kun put down the clipboard for everyone to see. "Unlike their permission to play, I didn't chose their school. All of them chose to be in Seijoh because that school is a powerhouse. It's second to us last year as I remember."

"So they are persistent to bring us down, ei? Hmph, guess what? They can't!" Ao-kun said as I interrupted.

"Wrong," he quickly reacted but I just look straight at the bracket line up. "Haven't you've been listening? They're prodigies! Generation of Miracles are the second them as what they said and according to my research, their strength is not that far from you all."

"Yes, Mikka is correct," our attention was converted to Mr. Kudo so has his arms crossed, "You were the one who said Seijoh was top 2 in Japan middle school basketball, so if they add the Princes to their team, there's a possibility that they can actually beat you."

"What?! Is Yamamotocchi that strong!!?" Ki-kun reacted with wide eyes and Mr. Kudo nodded in response.

"How do you know that, Uncle?" Aka-kun asked with a stoic expression.

"Because, I once trained those idiots," he declared, his expression seem to show how proud he was to train living sport monsters and brewing a new batch of them which is the GoM.


"Living Prodigy is under the Kudo Inc.'s control, well not in the court but on their schedule and permission. Kaiga is the one who handles their permission if they will play or not. He handle if they'll train with Mr. Kudo or not. He will handle where and who they will be training with," I explained earning weird glances from the other members even Aka-kun. "That's the power of the Kudo Family."

"But if you ask me, I don't like that kind of program," I looked at Kaiga with wide eyes. He swung his arm over his head and his face is blank from any emotions, "I don't like controlling people with what they can do. But the thing is, the Princes must be under our control for one certain reason."

"And what is that!" Satsu-chan asked as Kaiga looked at his father who answered her question with a flat, 'it's a secret.'

"Now! Continue the practice session! Better complete all of it today or I'll triple it tomorrow!" Mr. Kudo said as they all wet back to practicing. But I can't get the stuff those two said earlier.

I know Kaiga is a mysterious guy but what is he hiding now? What is he and Mr. Kudo hiding now? Why should Kudos be so mysterious and secretive?


Practice ended with everyone on the ground, half-dead. Satsu-chan and I are now giving them their bottles of water. The last one I distribute was Kaiga's bottle. When I went to him to give him his bottle, I found him closing his eyes and breathing shakily. I poked him but he didn't reacted. I think he's asleep. He'd fallen asleep in exhaustion.

I sighed and was about to stand up when I felt a sweaty hand grabbed mine and pulling me down. I looked back at Kaiga to still see him asleep, but his grip is tight like he isn't.

"God, you're getting weirder and weirder every year," I said as I remembered a scenario two years ago, back at America.

I sighed and pried his hand off my arm and went to tell Mr. Kudo the news his son is dead asleep. He called some people to pick him up because everyone knows how hard the task of waking that sleepy head is. Come to think of it, the only one powerful enough to wake that sleepyhead is his mother.

After everyone recovered from the defeat from an enemy called exhaustion, they changed into their clean uniforms, while Kaiga is already in Mr. Kudo's car, but before they left the temporary coach announced something.

"Tomorrow! We won't be practicing here!" Mr. Kudo said as everyone, except for Aka-kun sent him a confused stare. "Instead, we will be practicing in Kudo Inc. Sports Gymnasium! Meet you all here at exactly 7 a.m sharp! Be late and you'll get extra training on Monday! Okay dismissed!"

"The Kudo Inc. Sports Gymnasium?" I asked in awe. It's been years since I went there! Almost 3 years ago! When we were in fifth grade, that was the last time I was there with Kaiga. The K.S.G is one of the biggest gymnasium in Japan! Probably the biggest! I can already imagine their reaction when they see that!

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