27. Abyss of Strength

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Kaiga's P.O.V

I stood before them as I wiggled my fingers, controlling Seijoh's every move. Each strings on my fingers is connected on one of them. I saw fear struck them right through the core with confusion.

I know they are confused since no one knew about my ability. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. I hate controlling people, but they used that tactic so might as well do so.

"You just stood upon the presence," I said, standing straight and staring blankly at all of them, "Of the Master Puppeteer."

I saw Kira back away while still on the ground in fear, though this time, I didn't controlled him. It was his will that do so. Tadashi gaped in both awe and fear while Takane's smile vanished in his face. That smile never vanished, but it did now.

I looked at the scoreboard and saw that we still have 58 seconds left. Fifty-eight seconds left for me to control them.

The game continued, but I know everyone know who will win. Alejandro Hernandez got the ball, but I wiggled my finger again, controlling his movements. The ball went to Seijouro, surprising the latter as he made a shot.

The next minutes, the ball was pass towards me as I sighed and just effortlessly tossed the ball with one hand, as if just tossing away a garbage into a trash can. Takane was about to jumped, but I pulled my hand forward, making Takane fall once more, making a loud 'thud'

The last point was made by Shintaro, with a three and Tadashi was too busy staring at me with fear to stop him. Shintaro made a buzzer beater and everyone cheered, not caring that it was a sure win for Teiko when I entered.

Seijoh and Teiko grimly fall in line and bowed, shaking hands. I faced the three Princes and sighed.

"Sorry," I said coldly as they stared at me with blank eyes, "but I don't want any more of my comrades to suffer the way Taiki did."

Then I walked away, not wanting to see their reaction. As I was walking towards the bench, I saw Mikka walking towards me, as if expecting something to happened. Just I was behind Daiki, darkness took over my vision.


3rd Person's P.O.V

Teiko was in the locker room, freshening from the previous game. They slowly regain their composure from being awestruck by Kaiga's ability. This still of course, confuse them.

Was it just his abnormal personality change in the court that affected Seijoh? They know it wasn't, they also felt something holding them back in falling down in the game, but what was it? Even Akashi was confused at what happened.

After the game, Kaiga fainted all so suddenly and Aomine have to carry him since he's the closest to him when he lost consciousness. Mikka took care of Kaiga in the locker room while the others attend the closing ceremony. The crowd didn't seem to be bothered by what happened at the last minute in the game and kept on cheering for Teiko.

After the ceremony, they found Kaiga laying down, unconscious. His head laying on Mikka's lap as the blonde wipe his sweaty forehead, putting aside the red turban.

There was silent as the team continued with their habits, when all so suddenly, Kaiga's parents entered the locker room, earning their attention, but Kaiga remained sleeping.

Kaiga's mother looked at Kaiga and sighed in relief. Akashi took this chance to ask his aunt.

"What was the red and blue strings in Kaiga's fingers?" This caught their attentions. They didn't saw any string strings in the brunette's fingers so what is their sadistic captain saying?

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