20. The Shooting Guards

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Midorima's P.O.V

"So, tomorrow will be our third game in the tournament! We'll be going against Toh-mo Middle School. They have an excellent defense that can almost equal ours. Plus, their Shooting guard, Kukuri Ryuzaki. He's got a good three pointer. Almost as good as Midorima and Mibuichi," Coach Kudo said as he pointed at the picture of a black haired player on the whiteboard.

"Impossible. No one can match Midorimacchi, ssu!" Kise said with his eyes wide. I clutched the yellow emoji pillow I am carrying when he added his stupid suffix in my name.

"Don't call me that," I said, pushing my glasses in place.

"Hey, isn't that my pillow? I hid it in the locker room," Kaiga said, pointing at the yellow emoji pillow.

"You are mistaking. It's my lucky item for the day," I hoisted up the pillow showing the emoji 😂

"Hey! It's just like mine!" He said with his stupid annoying grin.

"You bring pillows?" Coach asked, raising his eyebrow at his son with arms crossed.

"Yeah! Pillows help me relax! You do notice that my room is full of them?" Kaiga asked back as Coach sweat dropped.

"You don't let me inside your room. Your mother only manages to enter because she's a mo--" he hesitated to say the last word and cleared his throat. "So anyway, time to train."

"Again?" Kaiga and Aomine asked earning a smack on the head by Mikka and Momoi.

★time skip

The practice ended fast. And right now, I'm in a store buying my lucky item for tomorrow while listening to Oha Asa.

'Tomorrow's lucky item for cancers is something that an acquaintance gave you.'

Something that an acquaintance gave you? I look down at my wrist and look at the green wristband Kaiga gave me just like he gave the others. I always wear it so should I make it my lucky item tomorrow?

"So I see, Kaiga-chin also gave you guys wristbands," I look behind me and saw a white haired guy. I glared at him recognizing him. I his the wristband under my uniform and faced him.

"What are you doing here, nanodayo?" I asked as Mibuichi looked at the plushies displayed at the corner. For an unknown reason, I seem to understand that he's here to buy a plushie. Kaiga told us that this guy barely talks. "I'm not wasting any time here, dayo."

I was about to walk away when Mibuichi ran in front of me and stopped me with his outstretched arms. I raised an eyebrow at him and then noticed that he's wearing glasses. I disregard tiny details so I just noticed now that he was wearing red-framed glasses not like the first time.

I walked around him but he swiftly blocked me again, making my eyes wide. That was quite fast.

"I want to talk," he said as I glared.

"I'm not wasting my time talking to the opponent, dayo," I said and tried again to pass through him, faster than earlier but he will caught up.

"I'm not letting you pass until we talk," he said with astern voice but there is no authority like Akashi's. We had a short staring contest ipuntil I clicked my tongue.

"Fine, but if you beat me into a one-on-one, nanodayo," I said and he nodded then let me pass. We walked towards the nearest court and dropped our things on a bench.

"You're a fool," Mibuichi suddenly said and I glared at him.

"What, dayo?"

"You know that I can beat you but you still challenged me."

"I can beat you, nanodayo."

"I like your attitude," he said then we started our game. He dribbled the ball as I stood guard. If Kaiga and Mikka are correct, he can shoot in a long range so I must guard him wherever he might be. "Fool."

He didn't moved an inch from where he is standing and shot the ball. I jumped to block it but I didn't touched it nor did it gone through the hoop. It was falling behind me, I was about to get it when Mibuichi suddenly appeared and took it. I widened my eyes. How do he...got there? He was right in front of me earlier.

He take a shot and he looked at me with a calm expression.

"I already told you, you can't beat me. While you can't surpass your current state, you can never win against me," he said. Now I doubt what Kaiga said about this guy is true. He talk too much.

"Luck is just on your side today, nanodayo," I said and he smirked.

"Sorry but Capricorn is in the last place today. Plus I forgot my lucky item," he said in a smug look but the, his expression changed into a PokerFace.

"You're a Capricorn?"

He didn't answer and walked towards me. He outstretched his hand towards me and I looked at him.

"What's this, dayo?"

"Cancer's lucky item for tomorrow is something an acquaintance gave you. It doesn't need to be a friend but I could say I'm an acquaintance. Kaiga-chin let us play for a reason," he said and shoved something into my hand. It feel fluffy and warm.


"Oi, Tadashi. Hurry up already. I can't afford losing you in Tokyo again," a guy said and Mibuichi nodded at him.

"Si, Alejandro. Well, I need to keep going. Someday, you'll know why you're going against the living Prodigies," he said and left. I look at what he gave me and saw a white wristband with a LP embroidered on it.

A wristaband? I thought as I looked at the wristband Kaiga gave me. The GoM letters are embroidered with white thread as the background are green.

"Why we are going against the Princes, nanodayo?" I muttered. Why did Kaiga even let the play and what is the reason why they can't without his decision?

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