Chapter III

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After leaving the detention room, I spotted Charlie waiting for me in the hallway, looking a little frazzled. She must have been waiting for at least 25 minutes, which made her miss her break. But when I apologized, she waved it off, saying she'd already eaten and was just glad to help me out.

"Don't worry about it! Let's get started on the tour," she said with a bright smile.

I forced a smile back, knowing that school tours were never my favorite. As we walked through the hallways, I found myself feeling more and more disconnected. The tour felt monotonous, like a list of facts rather than an introduction to a new place. I had no interest in hearing about where the chemistry lab was or the location of the gym, especially when all I wanted was to find my footing in this new school.

Charlie pointed out the cafeteria, the library, and various classrooms, but I barely absorbed any of it. The sound of students chatting and lockers slamming echoed in my ears, creating a blur of noise that only added to my disorientation. After what felt like an eternity, we finally stopped at my locker.

"I hope you won't get lost anytime soon! And remember, you can always ask me for assistance," Charlie said, her smile genuine.

"Thanks, Charlie. I really appreciate it," I replied, trying to match her enthusiasm.

"See you around, Hailey!" she said before heading off to her next class.

I turned to my locker, the combination clutched tightly in my hand on a small piece of paper. I fumbled with the lock, a bit nervous as I tried to remember my new schedule. Finally, the lock clicked open, and I swung the door open, placing my English book and a couple of notebooks from the classes I had missed during detention inside.

As I rummaged through my things, I heard a girl next to me talking to herself, her voice a bit louder than necessary. I cringed, feeling the familiar urge to retreat into myself. Just as I was closing my locker, a girl appeared in front of me, her smile almost unnerving.

"Hi! I heard you were the new student, so I decided to find you. I know high school can be tough, especially when you're new!"

I extended my hand, hoping to redirect the awkwardness. "Hi, I'm Hailey. And you are?"

She paused, staring at my hand for a moment before shaking it. "I'm Amelia. Have you eaten yet? There's about ten minutes left in break. Want to join me and my friends at the cafeteria?"

I smiled at her enthusiasm and nodded. "Sure, that sounds great."

Amelia linked her arm through mine. "Let's go meet some of my friends!" she said, practically dragging me along.

I usually didn't let people lead me like this, especially on my first day, but there was something about her energy that pulled me in. I felt a little weirded out by my own willingness to go along with her, but I brushed it off as just a desire to connect.

We arrived at the cafeteria, and I was immediately struck by the noise and chaos. The lunch ladies were trying to manage a long line of hungry students, and it felt like the entire place was buzzing with energy. Amelia led me to the end of the line, and we settled in to wait.

"Ugh, I think this line is going to take forever," I muttered, noticing that only one cashier was working, which was painfully inefficient.

"Just a few minutes!" Amelia reassured me. "You're going to love my friends. Trust me, they're great!"

Her enthusiasm was infectious, but I was still distracted by the wait. I looked around, trying to gauge the atmosphere. The cafeteria was filled with cliques—jocks, nerds, the artsy crowd—and I felt like an outsider looking in.

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