Chapter XXIII

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As I drove home, my mind kept circling back to what Ethan had said. His words were still sinking in, and I couldn't quite wrap my head around them. It felt surreal, as if I had misunderstood, but the look on his face told me he was serious. I couldn't shake the thought—was this some kind of prank? But Ethan wasn't the type to pull a stunt like this and just laugh it off afterward.

He had looked too calm, too composed for this to be a joke. That was the part I couldn't get over. If he really meant what he said, why wasn't he more upset?

But earlier that day, when I stepped into the coffee shop,  there he was... sitting by the fireplace, staring into his iced coffee. The corner table—his favorite spot. His eyes flicked up as soon as I walked in, and he stood to give me a hug. We'd been best friends for years, but something felt off today. There was a tension hanging in the air.

He had already ordered my usual, an iced caramel macchiato. I smiled, grateful for the small gesture, and took a sip. But Ethan was watching me closely, almost too closely, like he was bracing himself for something. I leaned forward and decided to break the silence.

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

He blinked, as if snapping out of a trance, and then sighed. "Alissa and I broke up."

The shock hit me before I could even process the words. "Wait... what?"

He didn't seem upset. He didn't look devastated or heartbroken—just tired. "Yeah, it's been a long time coming. I wanted to end things weeks ago, but I didn't know how without hurting her."

I blinked again, trying to catch up. "Oh... wow." My mind scrambled for a response. "I didn't even know you were thinking about it."

He shrugged, running a hand through his hair. "I didn't tell anyone. I didn't even want to think about it myself. But things weren't working. She deserves better than someone half-in, half-out."

I sat back, absorbing his words. Ethan was always the thoughtful one, always considering how others felt before his own emotions. But this, him breaking up with Alissa, it felt huge. I couldn't quite imagine why or how they had fallen apart.

"That sucks," I muttered, feeling lame for not knowing what to say. "I mean, you okay?"

Ethan gave me a small, almost relieved smile. "I am. Honestly, I think I've been okay with it for a while now. It was just a matter of doing it."

I nodded, still unsure. "Well, I'm here for you. You know that, right?"

He smiled again, this time warmer. "Yeah, I know. Thanks."


I didn't feel like going home after that conversation, so I drove aimlessly until I found myself in the parking lot of a 24-hour Walmart. It wasn't where I'd planned to end up, but I grabbed a few snacks and drinks, something to keep my hands busy.

As I waited at the checkout, my mind drifted back to Ethan, to the way he had seemed so... not bothered. It was weird. Before I could lose myself in more overthinking, I spotted Cayden a few aisles over. He had a basket of beer in hand and was headed my way.

"Hey," he said with a smirk, catching my eye. "What's got you here at this time?"

I shrugged. "Could ask you the same thing."

He looked down at his basket, then back at me with an exaggerated grin. "Stocking up. You know, for emergencies."

I rolled my eyes, already used to his playful attitude. "Right, because Walmart beer is top-tier emergency material."

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