Chapter LI

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Trevor knows.

Living here no longer feels safe. Every creak of the floorboards and rustle of leaves outside sends a chill down my spine. I can't shake the feeling that Trevor knows something—something that could shatter the fragile peace my mom has worked so hard to establish since her engagement to Cayden's dad.

I've been wrestling with the thought of telling my mom. It feels like the right thing to do, but I'm terrified of what that would mean. I can't ruin her happiness, especially not now, when they're planning to get married at the end of the month. Everything feels tangled up in a mess of emotions, and I hate that my heart is in turmoil while she's caught up in her wedding preparations.

Prom is looming, just four days away. The thought of it makes me cringe. I never liked the idea of prom, and honestly, I don't have anyone to go with. The pressure to find a date feels overwhelming, but more than that, I dread the idea of watching everyone celebrate while I sit on the sidelines, consumed by my own heartbreak over Cayden. I used to think we were meant to be, but now it seems like that was just a fantasy. It's hard to accept that I've wasted so many tears on someone who will soon be my stepbrother.

Since last week, my mom has been fully immersed in wedding planning, leaving little room for anything else. I haven't mentioned Trevor's presence in town. Each day, I wake up with the knot in my stomach tightening. The fear of having to leave everything I know, to see my mom sad again, paralyzes me. I can't bear the thought of moving to a new town, starting over while my mom drags me along, repeating the same cycle of dating the next guy who comes along.

"Mom, I need to tell you something—"

"Me too! I was just thinking..." She cuts me off, her excitement bubbling over. "Should I wear my old wedding dress from when I married your dad, or should I go for the dress Liam is going to buy me? It's absolutely stunning!" She pulls out her phone and shows me a picture of the dress, and my heart sinks.

"Oh my god, how much is it?" I ask, my eyebrows shooting up as I swipe through images of a white lace gown that looks fit for a fairytale.

"More than sixty-five thousand dollars," she replies casually, but I'm left speechless.

"More than sixty-five thousand? Isn't that a bit... excessive?" I ask, my jaw dropping in disbelief.

She shrugs, taking her phone back. "So, what do you think? Old dress or new?"

I force a sad smile, looking at her radiant face. "Whatever makes you happy, I guess."

"Sweetheart, you can tell me anything," she says, her tone suddenly serious. She squeezes my hands, her eyes searching mine for something more. I take a deep breath, wanting to confide in her about Trevor, but the words stick in my throat. I don't want to wipe the smile off her face, even if the truth gnaws at me.

"Honey, what is it?" she presses, sitting down on the couch. The way she looks at me, filled with concern, makes it even harder to speak.

Just as I gather the courage to start, the doorbell rings, interrupting the moment. My mom jumps up, her excitement bubbling over again. I hear her open the door and greet Liam with an "aww." I walk over to the doorway, curious about the commotion.

"These are for you!" Liam says, holding a bouquet of five red roses that Will, Cayden's younger brother, is clutching. My mom beams as she takes the flowers, leaning in to kiss Liam on the cheek.

"Thank you!" she says, her smile bright. I roll my eyes at the display of affection.

"Come in!" she calls, stepping aside for the boys to enter. I hang back, watching as Cayden's eyes land on me.

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