Chapter XXII

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"Here's your order: one strawberry milkshake and one iced latte," I said, placing the drinks on the counter in front of Cayden. He picked up the large iced latte first, poking the straw through the lid and taking a long sip.

"Hey, you forgot your strawberry milkshake," I said, handing him the cup with the vibrant pink swirl. He blinked, momentarily pausing his sipping.

"That's for you," he said, winking at me before he turned and left the coffee shop. I stood there, half-stunned, as the cashier shot me a bemused glance.

"What was that about?" she asked, her eyebrow raised.

I shrugged, trying to play it cool, but internally, I felt a mix of annoyance and confusion. "No idea," I replied, rolling my eyes.

As he walked out, she grabbed the milkshake from the counter, stuck in a straw, and took a sip. "It's mine now," she declared, grinning mischievously.

"Fine, take it," I said, moving to clean the working table where we made drinks. I busied myself with brewing more coffee, hoping the action would distract me from how flustered I felt.


After finishing my shift, I hung my apron in the employee locker room and closed my locker. "I'm heading out," I said to my manager, who nodded in acknowledgment. I stepped outside into the cool evening air and walked toward my car.

Just as I reached it, I sensed a shadow behind me. I turned around, and there he was again—Ethan. My stomach twisted in an odd mix of annoyance and something I couldn't quite place. How did he manage to look so effortlessly attractive?

"What are you doing here?" I asked, crossing my arms. He smirked, rocking back on his heels.

"Nothing much. Just thought I'd see if you needed a ride," he said, his casual demeanor making me roll my eyes.

"I drove here, you know," I replied, gesturing to my car.

He glanced over, shrugging. "I just thought I'd offer," he said, a playful tone in his voice. I turned to unlock my car, ready to dismiss him, but then I felt his hand on my wrist.

"Wait," he said, hesitating, as if deciding whether to say more.

"If you want to say something, just say it," I urged, trying to keep my tone light. "No need to force it."

He withdrew his hand, looking momentarily lost. I smiled to ease the awkwardness. "See you tomorrow in school," I added, sliding into the driver's seat and shutting the door behind me.

I started the engine, glancing back at him. He stood there, hands in his pockets, watching me. I waved goodbye, and he returned the gesture, a warm smile still on his face as I drove off.

The radio played a lively Spanish tune, and I couldn't help but tap my fingers on the steering wheel, feeling a bit of that tension dissipate. I stopped by a nearby Subway to grab dinner, ordering a pizza sub and a large Sprite.

Once I had my food, I headed back to the car, carefully placing the sub in the passenger seat. I buckled up, ready to leave, when I noticed Cayden walking into the Subway. I frowned, feeling a weird sense of discomfort at seeing him there.

But I shrugged it off and drove home, pushing thoughts of him out of my mind.

When I got home, I parked in the driveway and stepped out of the car, locking it behind me. As I approached the front porch, I heard loud laughter spilling from inside. The sound made me cringe as I rummaged through my bag for the house keys.

"Come on, come on," I muttered to myself, finally finding them. I inserted the key and unlocked the door, trying to brace myself for whatever chaotic scene awaited me inside.

I stepped in, the laughter growing louder. My mother caught sight of me and beamed. "Oh honey, you're home! Want to join us?"

I paused, shaking my head firmly. "I have something to do," I replied, adjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

She sipped her glass of red wine, nodding. "Alright, but I wanted to introduce you to—"

My phone rang, cutting her off mid-sentence. "Sorry, I really need to finish my schoolwork. I'll meet him next time," I said, pulling out my phone and answering it as I ascended the stairs.

"Hey, Hailey!" Amelia's voice rang out, loud and cheerful, making me smile despite myself.

"Can I get a hoyeahhhhh?" she exclaimed, and I had to hold the phone away from my ear to avoid the feedback.

"What's up? You sound hyper," I asked, rolling my eyes at her enthusiasm.

"Because the principal just announced no classes next week!" she shouted, and I once again distanced the phone from my ear.

"Probably spring break," I said, feeling a flutter of excitement. I couldn't wait for a week away from school. It was the perfect chance to get out and enjoy life beyond my room and textbooks.

"Let's go shopping the day after tomorrow!" Amelia squealed.

"For what?" I asked, puzzled.

"Duh, for clothes! We have nothing to wear, dummy!"

I chuckled, picturing her endless trips to Forever 21, New Yorker, and Aéropostale.

"I have plenty of clothes," I protested, but she cut me off.

"No way! You can't wear that stuff. We'll find you something that really shows off your style. You can't hide it!"

I couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm. "Fine, fine. I'll go," I relented. Part of me was curious about what she had in mind.

"Great! See you then!" she said, and I murmured my agreement before she ended the call.

I tossed my phone onto my bed and grabbed a towel for a quick shower. After changing into comfortable clothes, I brushed my hair and settled at my desk, opening my laptop. I started searching for scholarships, hoping to ease my mind with some productive research.

Then my phone buzzed, breaking my focus. I glanced down to see a message from Ethan, sent a few minutes ago.

Ethan: Hey, I need to talk to you about something.

I bit my lip, wondering how to respond. Should I ask, "What is it?" or say I was busy? The latter felt a bit harsh.

Hailey: Yeah, sure. What is it?

I hit send and placed my phone back down, returning to my scholarship search. Moments later, my phone buzzed again, and I glanced at the new message.

Ethan: Let's meet up.

I didn't hesitate. I grabbed my car keys, slipped on an oversized hoodie, and swapped my pajamas for comfortable black jeans. I picked up my phone and rushed downstairs, the thrill of spontaneity pushing me forward.


Hello again! I'm so sorry if it took me one week to update ONE chapter and my sincere apologies. I've been going through so much... School and relationships suck both at the same time. So yeah, here it is...

I hope you guys liked this new chapter or probably hate me because I made you wait for such a long time. But, don't you worry... It's already here. Don't forget to like, comment your thoughts and share this story to your friends.

As always, Carry On and Happy Reading!~

- The Author

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