Chapter XLIV

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Amelia's voice breaks through my focus as I gather the books and notebooks I'll need for the next class. "So, how did it go between the two of you?" Her question catches me off guard, and I give her a puzzled look as I close my locker.

"Between the two of who?" I ask as we start walking down the hallway towards Chemistry. The day is slowly inching toward its end, and with only three more periods to go—Chemistry, English, and Music—I can almost taste freedom.

Amelia narrows her eyes at me, clearly unimpressed. "Cayden and you, duh."

My heart skips a beat. I'd forgotten about that. I meant to call Amelia two days ago to fill her in after the whole Cayden-dragging-me-out-to-talk situation, but life got in the way.

"I know, I'm sorry," I admit, as we enter the classroom. I set my books and notebook down on the lab table, slinging my bag onto the floor and pulling out my lab coat and safety goggles for the experiment we need to finish by Wednesday.

"You better be," she says, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes at me. "Now spill."

"There's really not much to tell," I say, slipping into my lab coat. "We just... talked."

"Right. Because just talking leads to smores and almost kissing." Amelia snorts. She's not buying it.

I freeze for a second, staring at her, my mind racing. How did she—

"Campfire," she adds, fishing her phone from her pocket and shoving it in front of my face. I immediately recognize the picture I posted on Instagram—Cayden and I sitting by a small fire, roasting marshmallows. Of course she saw it.

"Oh, that," I say, trying to play it cool. "We just made smores. No big deal."

Amelia arches an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Really? And nothing happened before or after?"

I hesitate, replaying the memory in my head. The soft glow of the fire, the warmth of Cayden's gaze, and the way the air between us had thickened, the moment feeling charged with something unspoken.


"Come on," I said, trying to grab the syrup bottle from Cayden's hand, but he turned his back on me, keeping it out of reach.

"There's no rule against using a different kind of chocolate," he said, grinning as I gave up trying to snatch it from him. Annoying as it was, I had to admit he had a point.

"Fine," I relented, crossing my arms.

We swapped smores, and I bit into the one he made, trying not to show how impressed I was by the taste. He watched me expectantly, leaning back with a smug expression. "So? How's it taste?"

"Mainstream," I quipped, though in reality, it was one of the best smores I'd ever had. It was the kind of flavor that stuck with you, the kind that made you wonder if there was something more behind the simple ingredients.

Cayden grinned, obviously proud of his creation. He reached out, his thumb brushing the corner of my lips. "You've got chocolate syrup on your lips," he murmured, his eyes meeting mine as he gently wiped it away.

I froze. Suddenly, the space between us seemed smaller, and the fire's crackle became the only sound. Cayden's hand lingered, and as I stared into his eyes, something in the air shifted. He leaned in, slowly, his lips hovering just inches from mine.

And just as my heart was about to leap out of my chest—

"What are you kids doing here? This is a no-trespassing zone!" a man's voice barked from behind us, flashlight beam aimed right at our faces.

We sprang apart, Cayden quickly grabbing the picnic basket and my hand. "Run!" he shouted, and we bolted, the man's voice echoing behind us, but neither of us could stop laughing as we disappeared into the night.


"And then what happened?" Amelia presses, dragging me back to the present.

"Nothing. We didn't kiss," I say, which is technically true.

Before Amelia can probe further, Ms. Brenda claps her hands, signaling the start of the experiment. I'm grateful for the distraction, diving into the assignment and focusing on anything but the way my stomach still flutters whenever I think about Cayden.

By the time the final bell rings, signaling the end of the school day, I feel utterly drained. I stop by my locker to pack up, letting out a sigh as I place the last of my books inside. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out to see a message from Cayden.

Cayden: Meet me outside. You know where my car's parked. ;)

Rolling my eyes but unable to stop the smile spreading across my face, I tuck my phone away and finish up at my locker. As I make my way outside, I spot him leaning casually against his car, scrolling through his phone. When he sees me, he puts it away and flashes me that signature smile.

"Hey," he says, pushing off the car and opening the passenger door. "Get in. I'm taking you somewhere."

I hesitate for a second but then climb in. I don't even ask where we're going—I know by now that Cayden likes to keep these things a mystery.

He drives for what feels like hours, but it's only about thirty minutes before we pull off onto a dirt road. The sky is starting to darken, and as the sun sets, the first few stars blink into view. We both step out of the car, the cool evening air brushing against my skin as I wrap my arms around myself.

Cayden grabs a backpack from the trunk and slings it over his shoulder before heading up a small trail. "Come on," he says, motioning for me to follow.

I trail behind him, wishing I'd worn something more practical than my school shoes. I wasn't expecting to go hiking today, and these definitely aren't made for rough terrain. "You could've warned me about the hike," I grumble, stumbling over a rock.

Cayden chuckles, glancing over his shoulder at me. "You're such a drama queen."

I roll my eyes but laugh. "Tell me something I don't know."

After what feels like forever, Cayden finally stops and turns around, reaching out for my hand. "Close your eyes," he says.

"What? Why?"

"Just trust me."

I hesitate, then take a deep breath and close my eyes. He leads me forward a few more steps, his grip firm and steady. After a few moments, he stops.

"Okay, open them."

I blink my eyes open and gasp. In front of me, the city stretches out below, lit up like a sea of twinkling stars. The view is breathtaking, and for a moment, I forget everything else.

"Wow," I whisper, completely awestruck. "This is... incredible."

Cayden stands beside me, watching me with a soft smile. "I knew you'd like it."

I turn to him and wrap my arms around him in a hug, unable to contain my gratitude. "Thank you," I murmur against his chest.

He holds me close, his chin resting on top of my head. "Anytime," he says softly.

We stand there in silence for a while, just taking in the view, until finally, I pull back slightly to look up at him. His eyes meet mine, and before I know it, he's leaning in again. This time, there's no interruption. His lips brush against mine, gentle and soft, and for a moment, the rest of the world fades away.

When we finally pull apart, we're both smiling like idiots.

"So... does this mean I'm your girlfriend now?" I ask, teasingly.

Cayden chuckles, shaking his head. "Maybe. Are you?"

I nudge him playfully. "Am I?"


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