Chapter LXI

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I watched as she ran away, a sigh escaping my lips, heavy with frustration and confusion. How could she tell me she loved me and then just leave? Was this her definition of love? It felt like a cruel joke, and I was the punchline.

Noah, standing beside me, noticed the tears streaming down my face. "I'm so sorry about that, dude," he said, his voice steady yet laced with concern. I forced myself to look up at him, my chest tightening as I let my emotions spill over. "Girls can be confusing at times, and they can be really hard to deal with."

"Trust me, I know how to handle my girl," I replied, the bitterness in my tone evident.

"But she doesn't know how to handle her own man," Noah countered gently. "Look, man, I know that you and Hailey's situation is complicated. I shouldn't meddle, but she keeps pushing you away, and you keep stepping toward her. It's a mess, and people are getting hurt."

"Amelia was hurt because of Hailey. You were hurt because of Hailey," I said, the truth stinging. "I don't want any of us to get into more trouble if you keep chasing someone who doesn't even want you anymore."

The truth hurt, and Noah was right. I couldn't argue with him. He was pointing out the reality I was trying so hard to ignore. I felt like I was caught in a storm, and the more I tried to reach for Hailey, the more turbulent everything became.

"And if she keeps leaving you like this?" Noah pressed on, concern etched in his face. "It's clear she doesn't want to be involved with you outside of being your stepbrother. It's painful, but it's the truth."

I glanced down at my hand, the one that fit so perfectly in hers, the hand she used to hold, to warm, to reassure. I missed that warmth more than anything.

Just then, a nurse and a doctor entered the room, disrupting my thoughts. The doctor walked over, stethoscope hanging around his neck, while the nurse held a clipboard and a pen. "You woke up too soon," the doctor said, glancing at me. "But better early than never. Let's check your vital signs."

"I'll step outside," Noah announced, and I watched him leave, the door clicking shut behind him.

The doctor began his examination while the nurse recorded his observations. As I lay back, I couldn't shake the emptiness that enveloped me. I missed Hailey—missed hearing her say she loved me, missed our playful arguments, missed the way she held my hand, and how she kissed me like I was the only one who mattered. She was the light in my darkness, the only one who could fill the void I didn't even know existed.

And yet, here I was, feeling hollow. She had filled my heart with joy, but now it was like she had taken that joy away and left only chaos behind. I thought of her brown, mesmerizing eyes, and how they seemed to speak a language all their own. I had fallen in love with a girl who could break my heart and mend it at the same time, and I didn't regret a moment of it.


The door swung open again, and my dad walked in, little brother Will at his side. Noah was fast asleep on the couch, oblivious to the commotion. Will ran toward me, waving a piece of paper in his hand. I smiled, the corners of my mouth lifting slightly as I hugged him.

"I drew you something," he said excitedly, handing me a drawing of a girl and a guy, though it wasn't finished yet. Before I could react, Will scrambled off the bed, headed toward Noah, who was still snoring away.

My dad pulled up a chair beside me, his expression serious. "How are you feeling?" he asked, genuine concern in his voice.

I glanced at him, my silence answering louder than words ever could. The truth was, I was furious, still reeling from the news of his engagement to Hailey's mom. It had been four months since I found out, and the anger had yet to subside.

"Are you still mad at me for not telling you about the engagement?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"Do you know what makes me even madder?" I shot back, my voice low but steady. "It's the fact that you kept it from me while acting like you had no idea I was dating Hailey. You knew it was her mom!"

"Cayden, I honestly didn't know you and Hailey were dating, and I never meant to keep this from you. It just happened. You found out earlier than I expected," he explained.

"And when were you planning on telling me? After Hailey and I broke up?" I shot back, narrowing my eyes.

"I really didn't know how to tell you," he admitted. "You were happy, and I didn't want to ruin that."

"Ruining my happiness? You did that when you chose to marry her! This is all your fault!" I yelled, my voice echoing in the small room. I glanced at Noah and Will, who had both turned their heads, wide-eyed.

"Cayden, please." My dad's voice softened, but I was too angry to listen. "I'm sorry. Just don't blame Hailey's mom for this. It's my mistake, and I'm sorry."

"Yes! It's all you!" I shouted, frustration boiling over. "You don't get to mess with my life like this and then act innocent!"

"I apologize for everything. I really do. I hope you can forgive me," he said, his voice cracking slightly. "Come on, Will. It's time to go home. Your brother needs to rest."

I watched as Will rushed for the door, not sparing me a glance. I turned my head, letting the anger wash over me, the bitterness lingering in the air even after they left.

Logan stood up from the couch, stretching. "This has gone too far, bro. You can't keep blaming your dad for everything that's happening between you and Hailey. Everything happens for a reason, and you need to decide if you're going to hold on or let go."

"Let go? How can I just let go? She means everything to me," I replied, frustration bubbling up again.

"Dude, I talked to your dad while you were sleeping, and you two need to have a real conversation," Logan said, his expression serious.

"What can I tell him? That it's okay to marry a woman whose daughter I'm in love with?" I scoffed.

"Tell him everything. Your feelings, your pain. Be honest," he urged. "He needs to know how much this hurts you."

Tears welled in my eyes as I recalled my mom's last words to me before she passed away: "It's always worth fighting for the one you love, no matter how much it hurts."

I swallowed hard, the truth of those words resonating in my heart. Maybe it was time to tell my dad everything—to confess my feelings for Hailey and how I wanted to spend every moment of my life with her.

No one else but her.

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