Chapter LVIII

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Dedicated to: @Ari182703


I shouldn't have said those things to her. Each word I threw at Hailey felt like a dagger, twisting in my gut as I watched her eyes brim with tears. Seeing her cry hurt more than I'd anticipated, and if I could rewind time, I would gladly punch myself in the face before letting those words spill out. If only she could understand how much it hurt to see her with someone else.

I let her slip away, thinking it was for the best. But now, all I could think was that I should have told her the truth from the start, even if it meant she'd hate me. I should have confessed that I loved her. Instead, I let my insecurities dictate my actions, and now she was gone—just like that—slipping through my fingers when I had the chance to hold on tight.

My life felt worthless in this moment, filled with regret and longing. Every day without her was a reminder of what I'd lost. I couldn't do anything without her by my side, supporting me, showing me love, and helping me differentiate right from wrong. The absence of her laughter, her voice, and her unwavering belief in me was a void I couldn't fill.

I should have chased after her when she left. Instead, I stood frozen, watching her walk away, convinced that giving her space was what she needed. Deep down, I knew she didn't really want that space, but my fear of pushing her further away kept me rooted in place.

When I arrived home after our fight, I held onto the hope that she would be here, that she'd chosen to escape the chaos of her life, even if just for a moment. I knew her home was a battlefield, and I wished she'd seek refuge in mine. But I was smart enough to realize she wouldn't return; her instincts were too sharp, honed by years of dealing with the dangers that lurked in her life.

As I stepped through the front door, I spotted my dad walking toward his car. "Where are you headed?" I asked, trying to mask my turmoil.

"I need to check on some files at the company," he replied, his tone businesslike. I nodded, already losing focus. "You're not going to the prom tonight?" he asked, glancing at my tuxedo.

"No, I changed my mind," I said, feeling the weight of the decision settle on my shoulders like a lead blanket.

"Alright, see you later," he said, heading off to work.

I stood there for a moment, allowing the silence to wrap around me like a shroud, before heading up the stairs to my bedroom. Just as I reached the first step, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out, glancing at the screen. It was Amelia.

"Hello?" I answered, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Oh my god! You answered!" Amelia's voice came through, panicked and frantic. "Hailey has been kidnapped, and I don't know where that guy took her. Please, come to her house quickly! I've been shot in the leg by that stupid guy!"

My heart dropped. "What?! Alright, I'll send an ambulance on the way," I replied, my mind racing. I ended the call and bolted out of the house, urgency propelling me toward the garage.

I unlocked my car and jumped in, adrenaline coursing through my veins. The engine roared to life, and I backed out, my mind focused on one thing: getting to Hailey.

How could I have let this happen? I had promised to protect her, to stand by her side no matter what, but I was failing her when she needed me most. Every second felt like an eternity, and I cursed myself for being so careless. I just hoped I would find her alive.


When I arrived at the hospital, the scene was chaotic. Amelia was already being treated by emergency personnel, her leg wrapped in bandages. I stood helplessly as they pushed her into the operating room, praying for both her and Hailey's safety.

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