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"Where's David, by the way?" Amelia's voice sliced through the low hum of conversation, pulling us to a halt. I turned, scanning the crowd lingering outside the house, trying to spot David among the faces, but my gaze fell back to Amelia.

"We'll look for him," I said, my thoughts already racing ahead. "Let's just toss your things in the car first."

"David!" we called out in unison, our voices cutting through the chatter. A few heads turned, and there he was, leaning casually against Logan's car, a bemused look on his face.

"Oh, did I miss something?" he quipped, raising an eyebrow as Logan let out a soft chuckle. Amelia and I exchanged a glance—one of those shared moments that said more than words ever could. James and Ethan were engaged in their own conversation, oblivious to the little drama unfolding at the car.

Had David really been in the car the whole time? How on earth did he get inside without Logan's keys? I mentally shrugged off the thought. Maybe he borrowed them without anyone noticing? It was typical of him to just show up, nonchalant as ever.

Logan threw our bags into the trunk with the kind of casual grace that only boys seemed to master, while Amelia and I climbed into the back seat. The engine rumbled to life, and we pulled away from the house, the familiar streets whizzing past us.

I jolted awake as the car came to a halt, my surroundings coming back into focus. We had arrived at a house that felt oddly familiar. Logan switched off the engine, and we all climbed out, the air crisp against my skin. James, always the gentleman, helped Logan unpack the car while I grabbed my bag from him, thanking him with a nod.

After locking the car, we followed Logan to the front porch. He rummaged in his pocket before producing a key, which he used to unlock the door. It creaked open, and we stepped inside, the warmth of the house enveloping us.

Logan dumped his bag on the living room floor, followed suit by the other guys. I couldn't help but notice how boys could be so carefree about their belongings. Amelia was already engrossed in her phone, typing furiously as I took a moment to survey my surroundings.

This place looks so familiar, I thought, my mind racing as I turned to Logan. "So, why are we staying here?"

He looked back at me, his expression a mix of seriousness and amusement. "We'll be here until Cayden and Noah come back. I texted them to let them know we're safe."

"Safe?" My stomach dropped at his choice of words. "What do you mean? Is something going on?"

Logan's expression shifted, a shadow passing over his features. "Not exactly bad, but you should talk to Cayden. My perspective might be skewed," he replied, heading upstairs, probably to his room.

Amelia and I settled on the couch, the silence punctuated by the sounds of James bustling in the kitchen. Ethan and David, not wanting to miss out on fun, had already obtained permission to play games in the basement and were gone in a flash.

"You've been here before, right?" I asked Amelia, who looked up from her phone, blinking rapidly at me before nodding.

"Care to explain?" I prodded, sensing there was more to the story.

She let out a deep sigh and shifted closer. "Well, Logan's actually my ex-boyfriend."

I almost dropped my phone. "Wait, what? Are you serious?" My mind raced as I tried to piece it together. This was a side of Amelia I hadn't expected.

"Yeah," she said, rolling her eyes. "We broke up last year. It was a mess."

I leaned in, intrigued. "What happened?"

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