"Hearts Burst Into Fire" Bullet For My Valentine

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In my opinion, great band. Like really awesome. This is one of my favorite songs from them.

Enjoy. :)


“Hearts Burst Into Fire” Bullet For My Valentine

            Her wavy, raven-black hair fell around her face as she peeked up at me through lashes coated heavily in mascara, the only make-up she wore. She offered a small smile before looking away and continued scribbling in the eyes in her drawing of some character from her imagination.

            After some silence, in which I sat uncomfortably. Her presence did that to me sometimes; I said, “So you want to be an artist?” My voice sounded weak even to my own ears.

            She looked up, brushing her hair out of her face. She offered me a small shrug, “Not really. I’m not that great.” I looked at her drawing. I begged to differ. I opened my mouth to do so when she cut me off, “I’ve seen better, Lane.” I shrugged, not willing to argue with her. If there was something I’d learn about Danny in the short time I’ve known her is that she always gets her way. She finished an eye and before continuing looked at me, her hazel eyes met my brown ones, “What about you? What do you want to be?”

            The question struck me as odd. No one had asked me that before; not my parents- to them I was to take after my father and be a lawyer. Not my girlfriend, to her I was just a toy, someone to hold on to. Other than that, I had no one.

            I had a choice. I never knew that. A choice. I frowned a bit. How were you supposed to go about these choices?

            “What do you like to do?” Danny asked, sensing my hesitation.

            “I dunno.” What did I like to do?

            “Well what do you do all day?” Danny asked, turning her attention to me, and setting her pencil down.

            I thought about it, “I go to school. I go home. I try to do homework. I make-out with Mackenzie. I listen to music.”

            “That’s it?” Danny raised an eyebrow.

            “Yup.” I popped the p.

            A small smile played on her lips, “Well you could be in music, or maybe a teacher, live with your parents for the rest of your life- fun, or you could live off of Mackenzie’s money.”

            “All great options.” I said dryly.

            She smiled, and returned to her drawing. I lost myself in thought for a bit, thinking about possible career options. “Lane?”

            “Danny?” I muttered, turning my head to look at her. She wasn’t looking at me.

            Her voice was light, “What do you like to listen to?”

            I shrugged. “Punk, rock, post-hardcore.” She nodded. “You?”

            “Anything with good lyrics.” She shrugged and smiled a bit.

            I nodded. “Deep shit.”

            She gave me a look but didn’t say anything. I looked away, trying to stop the smile that was spreading on my face. Involuntary, which was weird. Usually I’d have to try and smile. I had the whole fake smile down. The whole mask was part of my routine.

            She looked at me, a genuine smile on her face.

            I looked at her, studying her. Danny’s eyes twinkled; her lips were slightly parted and turned up at the corners. She wasn’t wearing a mask.

            Her eyebrows shot up, “Can I help you with something, Lane?”

            “You made me smile.” I said.

            She laughed lightly, “Glad. After all, I’m here for your amusement.”

            I titled my head, perplexed. This girl was amazing.

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