Dirty talks, Sunglasses and Phone Calls

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*Zayn's POV*

"Make my dick hard, not my life." I said to Maira, her bare body wrapped around mine as we cuddled under the blanket.

"Make my pussy wet, not my eyes." Maira replied, yes we did it, and now we were talking dirty.

"Get on my dick, not on my nerves." I kissed her cheek.

"Break my bed, not my heart." She kissed my cheek too.

"You're so good, I don't have a comeback." I chuckled along with her. "Play with my boobs, not with my heart. I win!" She said.

"Oh yeah, do I get a punishment?" I asked getting on top of her with my hands on either sides of her body.

"Yes you do, sweetheart." She bit her lower lip, flipping our positions in one move.

"Woah! Strength!" I said in amazement. "You'll see more of it." She replied, stroking her finger on my chest.

"Ugh you tease!" I whined.
"Ugh you sexy." She replied as we went for a round two.

*Next day*

"Is there anything you've not told me? Because I'm pretty sure I've told you everything." I asked Maira.

"Yep." She said hesitantly, I looked down at her face that was resting on my bare chest.

"What's it? If you're okay in telling me, you can." I told her, "Uhm I-I should've told you earlier. But now I have to tell you." She said and I nodded.

"I had an older sister, other than Amyra appi. Her name was Azka appi. She was 3 years younger than Amy appi and 4 years older than me." I nodded.

"When she was 13, she was kind of depressed and was admitted into a mental asylum. One day, I don't know why and how, I was mad at her so when I went to meet her with Amyra appi, I asked her to go and die." My chest felt wet so I looked down at her.

Tears were falling from her eyes, "Hey hey! Shh. Don't cry. Please. For me." I said wiping her tears and she nodded.

"What happened after that?" I asked. "She took my words seriously. She used her pants as a rope and..." Maira broke down into a fit of tears.

"I always knew how you felt, the feeling of guilt and blame. This is why when you first took me to meet Sophia, I was scared, because I saw my older sister in her. I am such a bad person Zayn. I killed appi." She hugged me and cried again.

"Hey! Mi relax. You need to be strong for your sister. It wasn't your fault. You were 9. What does a 9 year old child know? I don't think anything. Your sister is in peace." I kissed her forhead and she nodded.

"Are we going to be cuddled in the bed all day Zayn?" Maira asked me after an hour. "We can do many more things while being in the bed all day, if you want." I said cheekily.

"Zayn you pervert!" She hit my arm playfully.

"Like watch movies." I completed my sentence and she rolled her eyes, "Maira you pervert!" I did her impression as she rolled her eyes again.

"Why are you being so horny today, my cute husband?" She pulled my cheeks. "Not being horny, my even cuter wife. I dont want Ashley to hear you moaning when she comes back." I kissed her cheek.

"Oh God Z! Ash will be back on Monday. Today is Wednesday. We have five days." She laughed.

"You want me to fulfill my wild fantasies building since the last six months in five days? You wanna be sore?" I raised my eyebrows.

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