Chapter Three

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When teenagers go on their first dates, most of them tend to wake up early, worrying about the important, precious event that they were going to have with their crush that same day. Several questions pop into their heads, like: What clothes do I wear? What shops do I take my date to? Is it going to go the way I planned?
Now, it just so happened that it was Marco's first time experiencing this kind of sensation! It made him feel super excited, but he could help but feel unbelievably nervous too...

The bruenette sat up in his bed, rising from his deep slumber and running a hand through his toussled, brown hair, trying to keep his heart rate under control.
It was only then that the Safe Kid noticed something that he found sort of strange...He had already gotten intimate with Star beforehand in their relationship and now he was going on a date with Sear? The Safe Kid sort of felt like they'd skipped a stage in their romance, so it felt nice to come back and revisit it.
"Come to think of it, what sort of relationship do the three of us have together anyways...?" He asked himself, going to get out of his bed, not noticing that Sear was lying right next to him.
"You don't know, Marco? The three of us are in a really tight love triangle; I thought that it was kind of obvious..." the blond replied, sitting up to face the Safe Kid.
"S-Sear? Geez, you snuck into my bed again?"
"Hehehe...Sorry, I can't help it; you just have a really cute sleeping face, Marco..."
"I-Is that so?"
"Yeah...So, are you excited for our date later on?"
"Of course! I can't wait! I actually want to go right now!"
"Me too! But, you're gonna have to be patient...I've got a special suprise ready for our date, okay?"
Sear was giving the Safe Kid her usual, I'm-up-to-no-good smile, which basically meant that the bruenette was in for something pretty amazing later on!
"U-Uhm, sure...I'm looking forward to it" he replied, getting out of bed. "Let's get dressed and eat breakfast before we go amywhere first, though..."
"Yeah, okay then, Marco"
Both of them headed to kitchen to start their day.

Throughout the morning, the Safe Kid discovered that the couple of hours before the actual date were the most nerve-wracking and that it was much harder to pick out a sutiable outfit than he'd expected!
"There's no way that I can just wear my usual hoodie to this date...Sear would think that I couldn't be bothered or something..." he thought, racking through his wardrobe and pulling out a neatly folded red t-shirt and black leather jacket, which was on a wooden coat hanger.
"Would these be okay?" The bruenette asked himself, as he pulled on the garments and checked himself out in the mirror.
But before Marco could even evaluate his style choice, an alarm that he'd set on his phone went off, reminding the bruenette that he only had a couple of minutes to get to his meet-up point with Sear!

Sear had decided to leave the house before Marco to wait at their meeting point in the Mall. The Safe Kid had actually questioned her logic about this, but the blond had simply said that the date would feel more realistic if they did this.
So that explained why Marco was rushing over to Echo Creek's Mall, praying that he wasn't too late for his first date with Sear.
The bruenette dashed up a flight of stairs towards the Plaza, the exact place where he and Sear had arranged to meet up.

As soon as the Safe Kid climbed the last few steps, the first thing he saw was a head of striking red hair and smug smile...
'Oh great...Tom, that's just what I need right now...' the bruenette thought, rolling his eyes, as he approached his archenemy; who had been trying to talk to his date...

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