Chapter Eleven

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When two special indiviuals leave someone's side, things can get complicated really quickly. Marco Diaz was a prime example of this...

Star and Sear Butterfly had returned to their homeland, Mewni for about a week, leaving the Safe Kid to his own devices in Room 23. It was way more quieter without them around, which, unfortunately made the days feel longer...
Somehow, the bruenette had made it through the week to Thursday without dying from boredom and loneliness. Naturally, he still hung out with Ferguson and Alfonzo when they were available. This kept him sastisfied during the day and it would be lie to say that Safe Kid didn't enjoy himself during that time.
But the second he entered his own room; after leaving his friends behind, loneliness attacked him from all angles...
Marco's light-at the-end-of-the- tunnel in this situation was his slim, black laptop, which may seem sort of obvious. This way,the Safe Kid was able to enjoy reading Star's informative emails about what she and Sear were getting up to in Mewni and from the way their emails sounded, things appeared to be pretty mind-numbing over there as well; so it looked like they were all in the same boat, in that sense.

As the Safe Kid walked over to his device to wake it up from it's 'standby mode', he noticed that he hadn't receieved any notifications about Star's latest email.
"Hmm...That's a little odd" he thought, aloud. "Star always sends me one around this time  every day...Well, she and Sear probably have a lot on their plates right now, so I can't expect them to do everything"
Before Marco went over to the kitchen to cook up some food, he decided to indulge in his secret pastime for a little while, stripping down to his boxers and then deciding to make himself a small serving of homemade nachos.
"Hey! Star, Sear? Do you guys want any-..." the bruenette started, stopping his cooking session half-way through, after realising that the two people he was talking to, weren't in his dorm.
Heck, they weren't even in the same country as him anymore!
"Heheh...I guess I miss those two way more than I think, huh?" Marco chuckled to himself, going back to his triangle-shaped snack.

Call it what you want, but Marco found the nights to be the most unbearable. Usually, there would a little bit of chatter stemming from Star, Sear and himself before and after he had switched the lights off; but now, of course, his entire room was dead silent and it felt pretty un-settling to the bruenette...
As he lay in his bed, facing the ceiling in the dark; Marco remembered an old saying that his Mom used to say to him quite a lot when he was a kid. "You'll only miss something when it's gone".
Right now, that short sentence couldn't have been anymore true than it was now and the bruenette found himself daydreaming about the very first time he'd met Star in person. It actually made the Safe Kid smile and laugh a little too!
'It was like that whole meeting was straight out of a romcom or something!' He thought, happily.
'But I guess that was fate's doing after all, bringing Star and I together like that...I would never have met Sear either or Tom...'

Just thinking about his name made Marco recall some really unpleasant memories...
But recently, the Safe Kid hadn't seen the annoying, rich redhead around Echo Creek for quite a while, but this was understandable. After all, not many people would stay in a place where they had been publicy humiliated on an airport runway in the middle of the pouring rain!
But if Tom was acting this quietly and suspicously, couldn't it mean that he was planning something evil scheme?

"Ugh...I better not worry about it too much or else I'll never get to sleep..." Marco mumbled to himself, turning over to face the wall in his bed, slowly getting lulled into a deep slumber.

The day may have just ended for the Safe Kid, but 2000 miles, south of Echo Creek; the day was just getting started for Star and Sear!

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