Chapter Seventeen

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Fake Star lunged at Marco, who jumped back and dived to the right, evading her attack completely. In the brief second that the blade of the blonde's knife made connection with the tiled kitchen wall behind the bruenette, the Safe Kid turned around and aimed a high kick straight at her two slender hands; forcibly removing her weapon.
The weak imitation of Star didn't even show any remote signs of suprise, despite the fact that she had just been completely disarmed.
Instead, she just stared at Marco, seriously, not even flinching from his previous attack.
"We're going to kill you and grasp our freedom with both hands...YOU'RE DEAD MEAT, DIAZ!!!" She screamed, just as the Safe Kid remembered that Fake Sear was still about; but it appeared that he had realised her presence a little too late.

Marco felt a strong kick to his back, which sent him surging forwards onto his knees, where the bruenette's he right side of his face was introduced with Fake Star's boot.
"You were pretty good, Marco; but our brains are imprinted with the skills of some the most powerful Kung Fu masters who ever lived. To be honest, you couldn't have won in the first place" Fake Sear said in monotone, holding the knife her sister had dropped earlier.
The Safe Kid spat out some blood from his mouth, which actually went against his morals about hygeine, but whilst you were standing on the very thin line between life and death, keeping the kitchen floor clean wasn't really wasn't all that important anymore.
As Fake Sear approached the grounded bruenette, she watched as he tried to get to his knees, as a look of curiosity appeared on her face.
"I've got one question for you, Marco" she began, getting briefly distracted by her reflection on the blade of her weapon. "Y'know, before you die and all"
Marco chuckled a little before he raised his head.
"And what would that be?" He asked, wiping the scarlet blood stain from his mouth.
"Call it a hunch, but I think you knew about Star and I's little 'secret' before today"
"Since we met at the Airport actually"
"H-Huh? That's impossible! Our acting was flawless!"
"Did it even occur to you two that I might've been playing along the entire time?"

The second Marco saw that the blond had dropped her guard, he quickly grabbed her by her left ankle and dragged her to the tiled flooring in a couple of seconds.
As soon as Sear was tempoarily down, the Safe Kid expected a desperate, last-second attack from Fake Star, which was exactly what happened!
He dodged her advance entirely and kicked her legs with suprising ease, all in one single, skillful motion.

"The first mistake you two made was when I first met you two" Marco began, clicking his neck. "The Star and Sear I know always wear a white and red flower in their hair, so that people can tell them apart. But you two aren't even wearing any kind of hair accessory!"
"Oh, save us the damn explanation already, Diaz!" Fake Sear shouted, jumping up in a state of pure, red-hot rage.
"Hey, you asked the question. I'm just answering it" the bruenette replied, simply; dodging a rapid right hook from the enraged blonde.
"The second mistake was your so-called 'acting'" he continued, feeling a strong surge of confidence flow throughout his body. "The real Star and Sear would never trashtalk a stranger and they wouldn't act like a couple of stuck-up, two-faced liars either"
SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Fake Sear screamed, now totally engulfed in rage.
"The truth hurts, doesn't it?"

At that exact moment, Fake Star lunged at Marco's back, clutching yet another knife, wanting to end the Safe Kid's ridiculing to end.
However, Marco saw the attack as predictable and evaded it yet again with something close to zero effort.
"I won't fall for the same move twice, y'know" he mumbled quietly, swiftly striking the clone's pressure point, which was at the back of her pale neck.
An instant later, Fake Star's vision began to slowly fade, as the world turned black; she collapsed in a heap on the floor.
Out cold.

"Star!" Sear cried in shock, as her sister lay on the cold, tiled flooring, totally oblivious to the world around her.
"Third mistake: Fake Star claimed to have 'forgotten' how to hold a knife properly in the kitchen; but the truth is that I never actually taught the real Star how to hold a knife properly in the first place!" Marco announced, as Fake Sear leapt at him, angrily.
"I will end you, Marco! I swear it!" She roared, furiously.
"Do it if you can! Oh, and I almost forgot! Your fourth and final mistake was that you and Fake Star tried to imitate the two girls I love and care about! Trust me, that was a bad move on your part! "

The Safe Kid quickly attacked his opponent's pressure point with a single powerful jab of his fingers, before she could slice at him with her weapon.
Fake Sear eyes widened at the attack and despite the fact that she tried her best to keep her eyelids open; they were beginning to feel heavier and heavier...
"" she muttered, as the blonde lost her grip on her consiousness. "Next time...I swear, I'll..."
Marco watched as his opponent's eyes closed shut, signalling the end of his fight for survival.

But the whole thing was still a far cry from over yet.
Marco just knew that Tom was behind all of this, so that meant that Safe Kid was going to pay the rich kid a little visit...
Which meant that the bruenette's next port of call was Mewni...

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