Chapter Twenty

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"Star? Sear? Is that you?" Came the tired voice of Queen Moon Butterfly, as she lifted her head; noticing the presence of her two daughters.
The two miserable, blond teenagers had been ushered into the castle's heavily guarded Throne Room, along with their parents for whatever strange reason.
Moon's huge, neat and tidy head of hair was in a state, multiple golden strands of hair stuck up all over the place and there seemed to be quite a large number of split ends as well.
The queen was trying to preserve as much of her dignity as she possibly could, despite the fact that she was on her knees, handcuffed to a large golden pillar with her make-up running down her pale, worried-looking face.
King River, however, was in a much worser state than his beloved wife.
The normally joyful king was also attached to a large golden pillar, opposite the one to Moon.
But his face was covered in red gashes and bruises with dried scarlet blood stemming from his nose and mouth.
His clothes had large savage tears in them and the king barely had enough energy to keep himself consious.

"Mom! Dad!" Star exclaimed, as the twins darted towards their parents embracing them tightly.
"W-What did they do to you guys?"
Moon smiled a little before answering her daughter's question.
"There was a little bit of ruckus, girls...that's all..." the queen said, weakly; as Sear took out a hankerchief, wet it and began dabbing at River's face; attempting to wipe the blood off.
"I-I'm sorry about all of this..." River croaked, apologetically. "If only I'd held them off for longer, then..."
"Dad...Don't worry about that, okay? Now, more importantly, how do we get out of here?" Star's doppleganger replied, getting the last of the blood off of the king's face.
"That's simple. You don't." Came Tom's arrogant voice, as he emerged from the shadows, holding a black pistol, one in each hand.
Star was ready to beat him senseless, but she re-thought her entire plan of action when she saw Tom's double pistols.

"I bet you guys want to know why I doing all of this, huh?" The redhead asked, overconfident as usual.
"Oh, do enlighten us!" Moon shouted, irritated.
"Shall do, her majesty! I'm doing all of this for revenge!"
"Revenge? On who?"
"Marco Diaz, of course! The plan's simple. I know that that idiot is going to try and save your daughters; so when he gets here; all of my 40 highly trained guards will attack him all at once, then I'll probably break his limbs or something!"
"All of that just for one person? That's quite cruel..."
"Cruel? It's what Marco's due! Anyways, according to my spies in Echo Creek, he's already attempting to catch a plane over to Mewni tonight; so this will all be over suprisingly quickly. In the meantime, you lot can just be quiet and stay put!"
And with that Tom walked through a highly durable door, which was protected by voice code activation, eye scans and face recognition.

"Damn...that Diaz fellow is falling straight into Tom's plan...He's as good as dead!" River grumbled, miserably.
Star smiled and shook her head.
"You should never underestimate Marco Diaz, because Sear and I are pretty sure that he can do anything!" She informed her father, proudly.
"Oh! Could this Marco Diaz be the same boy that the both of you fell in love with?" Moon asked, cracking a smile. The one thing  she had never done since she and her husband had been confined to the Throne Room.
"Is this the famous Marco Diaz we've been hearing so much about? I can't wait to meet him!" River added, his fammiliar, old smile on his face. "Oh and how many grandkids are you going to give us?"
"Dad!" Both Star and Sear exclaimed, somewhere between embarassment and laughter.

Despite their situation, the Butterfly's were still able to shed some positivity on it, even if it was only a little...
But it was this kind of positivity that would help them hold out until Marco made it to Mewni...

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