Chapter Sixteen

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"Whoa! Star, wait! You don't hold a knife like that!" Marco exclaimed, as he quickly, but gently grabbed the blonde's wrists, stopping her from going wild with the sharp object.
"I thought I already taught you how to hold a knife properly, when I taught you how to cook a couple of days ago..."
"Hehehe...I forgot?" The blond halfed guessed, letting the Safe Kid reposition her hands and fingers, so that she didn't injure herself.

Marco's kitchen looked liked a whirlwind had just touched down in the centre of it, but in actuality Star and Sear were just helping the Safe Kid with dinner,which was going to be homemade pizza; but the food appeared to resemble a something unsantitary and undigestable more than anything else.

"Marco! How do I cut this...thing?" Sear asked, holding up a brown onion for the bruenette to see from across the kitchen.
"Uhm...Sear, you peel an onion, you don't cut without taking off the skin first..." he replied, taking the ground vegetable and slowly removing it's layers, blinking back a few tears that were begining to form in his brown eyes.
"Oh...sorry, you seem really down about it...I didn't know that it meant that much to you, Marco..." Sear said, placing a hand on the Safe Kid's right shoulder, sympathetically.
"No, it's just the onion; it makes you cry naturally and for no good reason"
Sear continued watchimg her roommate slice the vegetable into small, white chunks. Just as she was considering whether taking a piece of raw onion and pop it into her mouth was a good idea, the blond noticed her sister silently beckoning her from the doorway.
Sear instantly knew what was afoot.
"Uh, I've got to go and do something real quick, Marco. I'll be right back!" She informed the bruenette, who was wiping the tears from his eyes.
"Sure" the Safe Kid sniffed, taking the cut-up onion and sprinkling over a pizza base topped with tomato puree.

"Sear" Star said, seriously as both of the blondes stepped into the hallway. "Do you remember what we have to do?"
"How could I forget? It's what we were created for" she replied, simply. "So, when do we strike?
Star smiled, sinsterly.
"We can do it tonight. We just have to get Diaz as soon as he lowers his guard and that's that!" She replied, throwing and catching a rather large butcher's knife she had taken from the kitchen.
"Sounds good. Still, I can't beleive that we get granted complete and uttee freedom after we finish this misson! I can't wait!"
"Neither can I! So, let's get the 'Safe Kid' to feel all comfortable before we finish him off!"

By the time the duo returned to the kitchen, Marco had finished saving their pizza and had placed in the oven to cook. He was now busying himself with the washing up, humming a fammiliar tune.
"Hi Marco, sorry for the wait" Star smiled, walking over to him and pecking the bruenette on his right cheek.
Sear walked past making brief eye contact with her twin, noticing the twinkle in her eye and the truth beneath her pretend smile.
It looked like the plan was going to be put in motion a lot faster than they both had anticipated...

"Heeeyyy~ Marco~?" Sear began, seductively,walking over to the bruenette and whispering into his right ear.
"Y-Yeah, Sear?" The Safe Kid replied, a red blush rising in his cheeks.
"Can you do Star and I a huge favour?"
"S-Sure, if it's something that I can do..."
"Great! Thanks!"
"So, what is it you two want me to do?"
Both of the blondes exchanged smiles, suspicously.
"Oh, nothing much..." Star began, a serious look appearing in her eye. "We just want you to die..."

Before Marco could even begin to question that request, Star lunged at him with the butcher's knife; it's silver, shiny blade racing towards him.
The Safe Kid ducked at the last second and peformed a back handspring away from the dangerous duo, that sent him straight into the centre of the kitchen.

"Clones of a clone, huh? Now, that's original!" The Safe Kid chuckled, as the blond imposters faced him, holding sharp kitchen knives.
"Hmm...You don't seem too suprised by all of this" Fake Star began, staring at her target, intently.
"Well, your act was a little too obvious, it pretty much gave it away" Marco replied, adopting a karate stance. Now, do any of you two care to explain to me what's going on?"

"Sure" Sear growled, lowly; advancing towards her prey. "Right after we kick your butt and hand it back to you on a silver platter"

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