Chapter Fourteen

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It had been a boring and extremely lengthy seven days for Marco Diaz, but finally the time that the bruenette had spent away from his beloved roommates was about to come to a brief end; because today was the day that Star and Sear were due to return to Echo Creek!
'I wonder if those guys brought me back a souvenir...' the Safe Kid thought to himself happily, as he stepped out a yellow and black cab that he had hired earlier. 'Well, I guess that doesn't really matter...I'll be glad to just see their faces and hear their voices!'
Room 23 had seemed super lonely and quiet after the twins had left, making Marco remember the times before he'd  lived without his beautiful, blond roommates.
But now, that experience was all over!

The Safe Kid could barely contain his excitment as he stood outside the doors of the 'Arrivals' section of Echo Creek Airport, just as a steady flow of men and women in smart black suits came shuffling through the automatic double doors.
The bruenette tried to look through the crowd to spot his two girlfriends, but this was next to impossible, thanks to the sheer amount of people, who were unintentionally forcing Marco to stand to one side, as they pushed passed him.
The Safe Kid continued to wait patiently, but he began to get a little more worried when a whole twenty minutes had passed by and not even one of the two princesses had shown up.

'They couldn't have got lost, could they?' The Safe Kid considered after another five minutes of waiting. 'The airport's isn't that big after all...'
Just as the bruenette was about to dart into the airport, he remembered that he wasn't allowed to set foot inside of the building for a specific amount of time, making it next to impossible for him to go and find Sear and Star; who were most likely wandering the long winding corridors, totally disorientated.
"How long am I gonna have to wait for?" The Safe Kid asked himself quietly; taking a seat on a nearby bench. "I mean, I know that those two aren't very streetwise, but even so..."
Just as Marco was deciding on whether to go back to his dorm and grab a tent or stay put at the airport; he felt a light, repetitive tap on his right shoulder...


"You did WHAT?!?" Came the enraged cry of Star Butterfly, who was roughly 200 miles away from Marco. She and Sear had been backed into yet another corner by Tom and from the looks of things, it looked like the redhead was actually going to win for once.
"I'm pretty sure that I told you already, Star! All I did was take a small sample of Sear's hair and use the same formula from the potion you drank before and voila! Fully functional clones!" Tom replied, simply, intending to enjoy his hard-earned victory to the fullest.
"Tom, do you know what you've just done?"
"Yeah. I've just ruined your entire life and Marco's! Now, you'll have no choice but to leave the Mainland and become SB again!"
"W-What? Are you serious...all of this was just for that...?"
"Yeah, I made a deal with Toffee. In exchange for all of these soilders, I have to force you to become SB again. Oh yeah! That actually reminds me..."
The rich kid dug into his right pocket and brought out a small silver recording decive, he then held it closer to Star, looking at her expectantly.
"Do it then" he said, pushing the device further into the blond's face.
"Do what? You idiot!" She snapped, angrily.
"H-Huh? Why would I ever sing for you, Tom?"
"Because if you don't, Sear gonna get it!"

On cue, a solider nudged the head of his weapon at Sear, knocking her to the floor.
"Star, you don't have to do anything for this creep!" The princesess's doppleganger announced, bravely. "He doesn't deserve to hear your voice!"
"Nobody asked for your input, Sear. Damn, you were always so annoying, but fortunately, it looks like I've got no choice but to silence you here, huh? Oh and I mean permanantley too..."
The soilder glanced at Tom, who just nodded, letting his attention return to Star.
"Just do it. Clones can be always be replaced, plus she was going to disappear soon anyways" the redhead said with no trace of emotion in his voice.
The soilder nodded in affirmative and wrapped his index finger around the trigger of his chrome black shotgun, ready to squeeze it.
Sear shut her eyes and braced herself for the one shot that was about to end her exsistence on Earth.
She attempted to hold back the tears that were threatening to explode from her eyes, but she soon gave up and let the waterworks start running down her cheeks; realising that this may be the last time she would ever get to cry.
"I wonder...Do clones go to heaven? What do you think, Star?" Tom said, looking the blond directly in her sapphire eyes, that were now narrowed at him in an icy, blue glare.
"All I have to do is sing, right?" She verified, coldly.
"Right" Tom replied, simply.
"I'll do it then, but first let Sear go!"
"Fine by me, I actually didn't want to get any blood on this suit jacket anyways, since it's new and all"

Sear gave Star a bewildered look, as she opened her eyes, wiping away her tears.
"Star, why? You don't have to go so far for me...I'm just a clone..." she began, quietly.
The princesses simply smiled at her twin.
"That's where you wrong, Sear! I see you as my sister and my best friend, nobody sees you as a clone apart from you!"
"So have some more confidence in yourself, okay?"

With her smile fading the second her eyes met with Tom's, Star cleared her throat and opened her mouth; ready to sing her first note.
'It's just this once...' the blond thought, as she let herself slip back into the role of SB. 'I'm only doing this because I have to. Besides, I already promised myself that I would leave this world behind after all...So this is the last time..."

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