Chapter Thirteen

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Star and Sear could only sit on their beds, totally unable to comprehend the swirling whirlpool of madness that they trapped in.
There were the sounds of shouting and screaming coming from down the corridor, which naturally put the sisters on edge.
But despite the fact that they were confused, frightened and maybe even a little angry; it didn't deter them from the fact that they had to run.
"We have to get out of here!" Star announced, jumping up, quickly. "Staying in this room will only cause us more trouble!"
"Well, you say that Star; but where're exactly are we going to run to?" Sear questioned, standing up as well. "We're trapped in this room remember? The hotel locked all of their doors to 'maximise safety'! We're trapped!"
The non-cloned version of the blonde smiled a little at that remark.
"Trapped? Did you really think that I didn't make an escape plan when we got here, Sear?" She asked, dashing to a small cupboard at the back of their room. "After the time we got kidnapped, I'm not taking any more chances!"
"No way, you actually have a way out?" Star's doppleganger asked in suprise, not really sure when her twin had gotten around to making a fully functional escape route.
"Of course! I made it whenever you were alsleep, so that you wouldn't find out about it! Suprise!"
"Y-You're really something else, aren't you, Star?"
"You could say that! Oh, just for future reference, you can climb, right, Sear?"
"Yeah, I think so...Why?"
"It's just because the escape plan involes a lot of climbing, I mean it's just a bunch of towels tied together, we're gonna tie it up and throw the towels out of the window and then abseil down the side of the building"
"Oh, I see...So it's in that cupboard, is it?"
"Yep, I hid in here to keep it safe!"
"Can you hurry it up, though? We're sort of on a timer here..."
Star nodded and continued to rummage through her hiding spot, but as strange as it seemed, she couldn't find her towels anywhere!
"This is weird...I'm sure I left it in here last time..." she mumbled, worriedly.
"Star, what's the hold-up?" Sear asked, who was now on-guard at the door, watching out for any suspicious people.
"I-It's gone!"
"What? You can't mean...?"
"Our one and only shot at escaping this place has been stolen!"

Just as Sear ran over to help her twin, the front door burst open, revealing two large men who were fully equipped with body armour, army camo-style clothing, which was accompanied by a fully functional assault rifle.
As they both walked through the doorway, (which was now missing an actual door) the two blondes spotted a fammiliar head of scarlet-coloured hair!
"Could you be looking for this, Star?" Came Tom's patronizing voice, as he held up a length rope made entirely from white towels.
"Tom! How did you...?" The princess replied in shock, as the rich kid tossed her hard work to the floor.
"It was a nice idea, but of course it wouldn't be able to best a genius, like myself!"
"What do you want this time? Like, don't you ever get bored of chasing us around, Tom?"
"No, not really"
"Well, you should! Sear and I aren't going to marry you, nor are we going to bear your kids; so just leave us alone already!"
"Oh Star, you're misunderstanding something very big! I'm not here to wed you and your clone...I'm here to get revenge on Marco Diaz!"
"Yeah. Did you think that I would let him pubicly humiliate me and get away with it?"
Star and Sear had no idea what Tom was rambling on about, but they could sense that something very big and something very dangerous was coming...

"Why're you attacking us? We're in Mewni right now, not Echo Creek!" Sear pointed out. "Plus Marco isn't here either, so what're you getting out of this?"
"Oh, but you are in Echo Creek, Sear; well, you and Star are on your way there right now, to be precise" Tom replied, flipping a lock of his perfect hair out of his face.
"What? But that doesn't make any sense!"

Tom grinned and folded his arms, triumphantly; knowimg that he had finally won.
"One word:" he began, simply; walking a couple of steps closer to the pair of blondes.


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