Chapter Twenty-One

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"Marco! Get your ass into this plane right now!" Ivan screamed, as he tried to start up the engine of his plane for the first time in 30 years. It was quite hard to yell at one teenager and start up an old, over-used plane, all whilst five police floodlights are shining right on you. Paired with the ear-popping sound of extremely loud security alarms and you've got yourself into quite a situation!

Aside from the the chaos, this experience gave the old man memories of when he used to fly from Echo Creek to Mewni and back when he was still young and madly in love with...her...
But admittedly, dwelling in the sweet old past when you were right in the middle of trying to retake a plane wasn't such a great idea!

Going back a few hours, both Ivan and Marco had rendevouzed at the airport for 9pm, making sure to be as unsupicious as possible by wearing completely different outfits to their usual ones. Originally, Ivan had suggested masks and all black clothing, but Marco had cleverly pointed out that they would stand out more in a crowd with those on.
After meeting up, the two had headed onto the runway; which was only accessible by a locked door. But luckily, Ivan's job as the airport's janitor had really paid off, as he had a whole ring of different keys, allowing them to find the right one and get through the door!

The next step of the duo's plan was to simply get to the plane, hop in and fly to Mewni, but they had overlooked one small thing and that had been the security of the runway...
It was absoulutely teeming with security guards!
So, in order to acheive their goal, Marco ran over and distracted them, drawing them away from their getaway plane; which allowed Ivan to run over to it and start up the vehicle's engine; bringing them to where they were currently.

All Ivan could do was watch as Marco bolted down the runway towards him and the plane.
"C'mon! Get your ass into gear, Diaz!" The old man shouted, as a seemingly infinte wave of security guards chased the bruenette down the runway.
By some ridiculous stroke of luck, Marco reached the plane and scrambled into it, desperate for some sort of shelter from the enraged security guards.
"F-Fly...the plane already...!" The Safe Kid panted, just as Ivan began flooring the air vechile down the runway, forcing the guards to leap out of the way to avoid a direct hit with a dangerous, spinning high speed propellor.
"Hold on tight, kid!" The old, yet rather eccentric scottsman shouted over the roaring engine, just as the plane ascended into the sky and far away from the airport...

Under the beautiful night sky, when things had finally winded down a little bit, Marco had a little bit of time to reflect on what he had just done.
Effectively, the Safe Kid stolen a plane from goverment security and flown it to a foreign country illegally...
Marco had always jokingly seen himself as a misunderstood badboy, but this was a serious crime!
The Safe Kid knew that if he and Ivan got caught, they'd both probably go to prison for life, no matter the circumstances were...
It would be orange jumpsuits and eating stuff that was meant to be porridge for the remainder of their lives...
He could feel anxiety and fear with their hands around his neck, suffocating him...

"That was pretty awesome, eh Marco?" Ivan remarked, as he manovered the plane, just like the expert he was. "You did good back there, lad"
"Thanks...Hey, Ivan?" The bruenette replied, quietly.
"Do you think we're gonna get caught? Was this really a good idea after all?"
"Oi. Don't go all mushy on me now, Marco. You told me that those two girls needed your help. Are ya seriously gonna back out now with your tail dangling between your legs?"
"What choice do we have? We could land this thing and find another way to Mewni!"
"Well, if you want to walk non-stop for about three days, be my guest; but I doubt it would do you any good"
"Ivan, listen to me, dude-"
"No. You listen to me! I may be a senile old man, who barely remembers his own name and doesn't even have all of his own teeth left in his head; but at least I never go back on me promises I've made!"
"But nothin! We're flyin to Mewni in this plane and that's that! Real men don't go back on their promises, Marco! Remember that, okay?"

The bruenette nodded, simply, as the cool nightime air blew away his worries.
"Thank you, Ivan. I really needed that little pep talk..." the Safe Kid smiled.
"Aye, it was no problem. Just couldn't stand you acting so pathetic and all" the old pilot replied, grininng. "Now what do you say we kick this speed up a notch or two and hurry to Mewni already?"
"Yeah, let's do it!"

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