Chapter Ten

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"W-What!?! You and Sear are leaving?" Marco parroted, managing to resist shouting his sentence out loud.
Star wanted to explain to her brown-haired boyfriend that she and her twin were only going to be in their home country for seven days at least, but with the Safe Kid panicking the way he was, it was pratically impossible to get a word in sideways!
"Wait up, Diaz! You're not letting me finish my sentence!" The blond exclaimed, trying to break through to Marco, who was still struggling to accept this new piece of information for himself.
"I thought that you guys were staying on the Mainland for a little while longer at least..." he began, quietly.
"I know I'm being selfish and everything, b-but I really don't want you guys to go!"
"Marco, listen for a second!"
"But I guess you would needed to go home at some point...You and Sear are foreign exchange students after all..."
"But it's still going to be pretty lonely without you too...But I guess I'll-"
The bruenette went to finish his sentence, but he promply found out that he couldn't! His lips were connected to Star's who had kissed her boyfriend, in order to prevent him from rambling on!

"There. Have you calmed down now, Marco?" She asked, as the princess broke the kiss, blushing shyly.
Quite honestly, the bruenette was feeling the furthest you could possibly get from 'calm', but he couldn't even begin to explain this to his lover, because Star's soft smooch had felt like electricity running throughout his body, completely and utterly shutting him up!
Marco could only nod in affirmative to his girlfriend's question.
"Good. You never let me finish what I was saying before, silly! Sear and I are only going to be back in Mewni for a week!"
"A week?" The Safe Kid repeated.
"Yeah, a week...y'know, it's about seven days"
"O-Oh...sorry, I never knew that you two were going back so soon..."
"You don't have to look so worried, we'll be fine!"
"I know, it's just that it'll be a little bit lonelier here now..."
"Will it, really? Sear and I will always be right here in your heart, Marco"
The Safe Kid's expression broke into an smile.
"What cheap movie did you rip that line off from?" He asked, happily.
"It doesn't matter!~" Star chuckled, cutely, giving him an eskimo kiss.

'I still can't beleive that I acted like that yesterday, though...' Marco thought, somewhat embarassed as he pulled on his scarlet hoodie.
"Marco!" Star called from the bathroom. "Have you seen my devil horn headband? I can't go home without it!"
"Isn't it where you left it last?" Sear asked, folding up one of her white t-shirts, neatly.
"If I knew where I left it, I wouldn't be looking for it, Sear!"
"Oh yeah..."
The Safe Kid glanced at his smartphone, briefly; checking the time.
"You two, we're running late! The taxi's gonna be here in less than ten minutes, you know!" He announced, a little nervously.
" looks like I'm gonna have to leave my headband behind..." Star said, a little sadly; as she emerged from the bathroom, putting her hair into two energetic-looking pigtails.
"We can just buy a new one in Mewni, Star. They have plenty there" Sear replied, picking up her suitcase, which was suprisingly lightweight.
"Hmm...I suppose so..."

Just as Marco was going to ask the princesses why her headband was so important, the trio heard the sound of a car horn, which meant that their ride to the airport had just arrived!

"You guys wanted to go here, right?" The cab driver verified, as he pulled into the parking lot of Echo Creek's International Airport.
"Yeah, this is the place! Thanks, mister!" Star smiled happily, as she and her party got out of the taxi, after Marco paid the fee of $15, without knowing he was until the very last second!
"Hey, Marco? Aren't you coming in?" Sear asked, as she and her twin approached the entrance to the airport, wheeling their brightly-coloured suitcases behind them.
The bruenette smiled, sheepishly, as he tried to come up with an excusable answer.
"Um, yeah, about that...the staff sort of banned me from the premises..." he began. "Y'know, after what I did to Tom that one time?"
"Oh yeah, I remember that. You were super cool back then, Marco!"
"Thanks Sear, but...I guess this is it, huh?"
"Yeah, it looks like it...I'll miss you, Marco..."
"Me too...I'm going to miss seeing your face every time I wake up in the morning and every time I fall asleep at night..." Star added, as she and Sear embracing their boyfriend, tightly.
"Come back soon, okay? Tell me what Mewni is like when you get back!" The Safe Kid smiled.
"You bet we will!" Sear grinned, pecking his right cheek.
"I know! We'll bring you back a souvenir and everything!" Star added, kissing his left cheek.
"I look forward to it! Have fun, you two...I'll be waiting for you two when you get back!" The bruenette said, waving, as his two roommates ran into the airport, leaving him with their blissful laughs and energetic smiles.

'But still, it's going to be one long week...' he thought, turning back towards the taxi.

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