Chapter Twenty-Three

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Wiping the rain out of his eyes, Marco kept running towards the large looming, intimidating castle, which was his destination.
On any normal day, the Safe Kid wouldn've been more than happy to visit Star and Sear's home, but in the current situation he was in, 'visting' could easily be interpreted as instant death...
Strangely enough, he had seen no other people throughout his 60-minute journey and alarm bells were starting to go off in his head. What had happened to them?
Even the civilians's houses looked abandoned, as if they had just simply upped and left.
All of them.
'Creepy...' the Safe Kid thought, as he continued on walking towards his destination. 'This has got Tom written all over it...'

The journey had been tiring and extremely time-consuming, but at least it gave Marco a chance to think about what Tom was planning.
He had already considered several different scenarios, but what the Safe Kid planned to do was to walk into the castle, take Tom out, rescue Star and Sear and then head back to Echo Creek.
Just like he'd done the first time around...
"Geez, I would've thought that Tom would give up on his kidnapping obsession already, but I guess some guys just don't learn..." Marco mumbled to himself, as he reached two large, white iron gates.
They appeared to be unlocked, so, using a little elbowgrease, the brunette pushed them, forcing the gates apart with a high-pitched screeching sound.
Marco took a deep breath through his nose and exhaled through his mouth, calming himself before he went inside the castle and completely lost it.
"This is it..." he said, quietly; as the rain slowly began to let up. "I'm going to make sure that Tom never does this again..."
And with that a serious-faced Marco entered the castle...

"What is that stuff?" Star asked, as her strangely relaxed captor took out a small bottle and brought to about eye level, peering at it's neon blue contents.
"This? Oh, it's nothing, really" Tom replied, putting the liquid back in the front pocket of his expensive black blazer.
"T-That's an class A potion...It's illegal in every country of the world..." King River said, watching the teenager angrily. "Put it down, Tom"
"Why should I? I need this potion, who cares if it's illegal anyways?" The rich kid replied, chuckling sinerstly.
"Don't tell me you're going to use it on that Marco fellow?"
"You got it one, Gramps"

Star jumped up furiously and tried to run at Tom, but the grey chains that were attacthed to her delicate wrists and ankles held fast, preventing her from moving a muscle.
"Whoa, calm down Star!" Tom chuckled. "No need to get so worked up! I'll be fine!"
"I really couldn't care less about what happens to you, just don't use that stuff on Marco!" The princess ordered.
"Like I'm going to listen to what you say to me..."
"You make me so mad, Tom! When Marco gets here, he'll-"
"He'll be totally massacred by my 40 guards. He won't get to see you or Sear's faces! Man, am I good at revenge or what?"
"Marco won't lose to them..." Sear uttered, wearing a defiant look on her face. "I believe in him"
"What? Sear, he's dead meat and you know it. Also, why do you people idolize Marco so much? He's just some random kid from Echo Creek! He hasn't got any money or power, so why?"
Star smiled, confidently.
"Somebody as stuck-up and arrogant as you will never understand how we feel. You choose to distance yourself from people and you wonder why you can't understand how we feel? What a joke" she said, her self-esteem peaking.
"Such strong words, but its a shame that you wasted them, Star. I outnumber Marco. Fourty to one. It's my win"

Just as Star was about retaliate, sheas heard the sound of the Throne Room's doors opening slowly. Everybody's attention was stolen by the figure that opened the previously locked doors.
Happiness filled the princess's heart and the blonde's eyes lit up in joy.
He may have been soaked through to the bone and sneezing at the same time, but it was still Marco!
Cold, but still all in one piece...

"I think you need to recheck your counting skills, Tom. You said that you had fourty guards, but I only see one" the Safe Kid said, nodding towards the bruised, quivering guard he had grabbed by the collar. "This guy was the one that lead me here, by the way"
Marco spotted the Butterfly's and smiled warmly, when he saw that they were all unharmed, relief washing over him.
"Oh, come on! How did you beat fourty people just like that?!?" Tom exclaimed, but his scarlet eyes revealed a hint of excitement from the rich kid.
"Shouldn't you be worrying about yourself? I don't think that you realise how much trouble you caused me and everybody else here! I'll make you pay!"
Tom grinned, wildly.

"Bring it on, Diaz"

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